Thursday, March 12, 2009

American Idol... 2 go home

Gotta say, I'm a little sad to see Jorge go. He is just one of those people you would like to see succeed. I believe he will find out that AI is a spring board for a lot of success, so he will still be blessed even though he is out for now.
The new twist. I like it. The judges get one veto of America to save a singer. One and only one. You had to know that they wouldn't use it the first week unless it was on Adam Lambert or Danny Gokey. Right?
OK, what is all the fuss about Lil Rounds? I know she is talented. Mom, three kids, married, yada, yada. Talented, yes. But, overall the past few years AI is not just about talent. Its about somebody different that we would buy their songs. Fantasia was a totally unique, range of awesome lengths, with a big smile to go with her big voice. Maybe what I'm missing is Lil hasn't had the opportunity to really blow me away yet.
Speaking of being blown away... Adam Lambert. HOT! HOT! HOT! Not just his song choice, everything about that whole performance was just outstanding. He hit notes, he sang but didn't yell. I have to say as one of my friends said, I agree 100%. " Anything but a finale with Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey won't be worth watching." (thanks Lani!) I'm sorry, I think they both are just such good singers and watching them.... well, it's great entertainment. I have to disagree with Simon (I usually agree) Danny doesn't dance that badly. You can tell he's moving with the beat and is just really into the music. Its not a dancing competition, but when you are so moved by what you are doing.... it travels to the feet.
I like Megan, but have to admit, the song choice was dismal at best. With all the years of Michael Jackson songs to choose "Rockin' Robin" was stupid. It had its place in history, but it is one of those songs that not only should she not have done it, but no one else should either. She needs to stick to what she does best, the bluesy, jazzy, songs with some low notes.
Let's see, who else was memorable. I liked Scott's rendition of his song, as well as Matt's, though I like Kris, it just didn't seem like that was as good as he could do. I have to give a kudo to Kris though for helping out everyone else (Paula said he did). He deserves to keep in there. He and his newlywed wife are a really pretty couple. I would like to see him do well. I liked Alexis, though the song choice was weird. Can't remember Jackson singing that, but it was fun to watch her sing. She is such a tiny thing!!!
I usually check out to see what's happening next week. So, you can do that yourself this time.
btw... San Antonio.... David Archuletta is in town tonight. I have other plans or I would definitely go see him.

1 comment:

lani said...

you know, theres something about Megan that just irks me. i dont know what it is. and while Lil is a good singer i dont think shes a mega stand-out that AI is gonna pick. didnt really care for Alexis either. the girls just dont strike me this year at all. but the boys--oh ya! though i was expecting Kris to go home,he just seems weaker to the other male contestants. i like Scott alot, but he too seems not as stron compared to everyone. so who knows what will happen...i'm kinda nervous about next week's theme-how is Adam gonna pull that one off???