Thursday, March 04, 2010

Yeah. 4 more leave.

I don't mean to be callous, but this week the four who left, needed to. It was time. I enjoy music, all different genres but, when it is done poorly or over electrified, I really could do without. So, after the performances of all the remaining 20, I was a little disappointed.
The difference between hearing the performances live and what we see and hear by television must be a big difference. We actually hear more mistakes than those hearing it in the live audience.
Jermaine stayed in way longer than I thought he should have. If I had been a judge, he wouldn't have made it past Hollywood week. Remember his little temper tantrum? I'm a Christian too and no GOD doesn't make mistakes, but we my dear, guilty humans make a lot of mistakes. Glad he is gone, that's what I say.
John, although a sweetie pie and he did go out with dignity, actually sang better during his swan song than he did on Tuesday night. If he had sung like he did tonight on Tuesday, he would have gotten a different review. I wish him well, and I could envision him being back in a group. We probably haven't heard the last from him. Nice guy!!
Michelle, who is absolutely gorgeous, just didn't bring anything different to the show. She had a great face and wore awesome clothes, but this is a singing competition. She did better tonight than she did last night.
Haeley, the screecher, is gone, finally. I am a little surprised, only because I presume she probably had a good fan base being in high school. (Don't you think her entire school voted?) Her last singing was only more evidence that it was time for her to go. She sang it badly. It was a good song, but she killed it... and not in a good way.
After this, kick-off's will be a little harder, because for the most part, I am fond of all the remaining contestants. What will change for me is when they pick a bad song, or sing a good song badly. I really am not that hard to please. The good news is a lot of the remaining kids are now on their way to a music career. Some of them will be bigger stars than others. Not just the top 10 get record deals. I could see Lacey Brown singing gospel with the Women of Faith conferences. As the weeks go on, let's hope the group kicks it up and we begin to see a top few pull ahead.

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