Friday, January 02, 2009


How many people make New Years Resolutions and then break every one by the end of January? I don't make New Years Resolutions, I find myself making daily ones. That way, the stress is stretched out and not crammed into one day. Aren't resolutions just goals with a fancy name?
I'm going to complain less, say I love you more and let my kids know I'm proud of them. Say it to their face instead of bragging to my friends about my kids. My children would probably like to hear all the great stuff I say about them. Didn't they know that?

1 comment:

borninok said...

You have done a wonderful job with your kids.........ok, we'll have to include Gary too....LOL You have done a great job with them, Suzanne. God bless you!

And, ya know...I just might take you up on your offer to visit San Antonio. Ya never know.....