Sunday, January 04, 2009

All about the Weather

Yesterday it was 83 degrees and today it is low 50. Can you just feel the brain bubble then shrink. Yikes! We've got all the decorations put away. So today, the last day of vacation, I cleaned and Gary laid tile. What is wrong with us.
I just finished reading The Host for book club. Good read, but it takes about 8 chapters to really get good. It did feel like an accomplishment when I finished though. 600+ pages
Now I'm reading a Dean Koontz book "The darkest night of the year" I love his Odd Thomas series.I like mystery and Odd books are quirky. I read "The Shack" just before the holidays. You really need to read it if you haven't.
See how my brain has jumped around today. I tell you ITS THE WEATHER.

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