Monday, January 26, 2009


Do you ever feel that way? Your brain is one way then that way. And, your body is, well, tired. It reminds me of the song we sang as youngsters.
Have you ever seen a lassie, a lassie, a lassie?
Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and and that?
Go this way and that way and this way and that way,
Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and that?
Not to be confused by the dog, but the lassie means the "female".
Kady & I watched the wedding video of Anna and Josh Dugger. (TLC) It was nice, but even Kady found it hard to believe they didn't kiss until their wedding day. I can see both advantages and disadvantages. No luggage, but will they wonder what they missed? I totally get waiting until you are married to have sex. That makes sense. Well, diversity is what makes the world interesting. I'm just glad to not have 18 children. (That's how many the Duggers have)
I always thought it would be awesome to have a lot of kids, until I had my first one. Reality sinks in and children take up a lot of energy. Not just their own energy either. A real parent is hands on and expends a lot of energy and time and mental time on their children. Don't think it gets easier as children get older, it just gets different. Older children need time and attention too, they are just less willing to admit they need mom and dad. Therefore, more mental energy expended trying to reason with and reach the older child.
Roseanne Barr said it this way "there's a reason some animals eat their young!".
Hey, being a parent is the hardest job you will ever LOVE.

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