Monday, January 12, 2009

The Big D

We spent the weekend in Dallas. (technically Richardson/Plano) We went initially to attend a baby shower for my great-nephew to be Rayden Matthew Porter. He is due February 17, so this is the party to get loot for the baby boy. It was fun and we enjoyed getting to see our other family "newbie" Addi Mae Ford. She is almost 8 weeks old and a real cutie patootie! We were hoping to see the family longer, but plans don't always work out the way you want when there are more than one decision decider.
We also got a chance to visit the Galleria and The American Girl Store. Kady purchased a Chrissa Doll. See She came with an outfit and we bought an extra one. Plus the Chrissa book and movie. Th next doll she wants and is saving for is Julie, the 70's doll.
We also stopped for about two seconds at the ikea store. I could have stayed longer at that store, but Spurs game was at 7:30 last night (they lost)
Today is chilly, but at least there is sunshine.
Also, last week my other nephew got engaged. They have a blog/website at Wouldn't that be fun to post all your plans? I happen to love the idea.

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