I love Thanksgiving! My family always had turkey with all the fixings and it was a time when family gathered for the meal and usually for the day. Many holidays were spent with family and friends that were like family. I remember the turkey was always good except when my mom decided to make "turkey roll" or in my explanation "paper turkey".
In the past few years, we have a meal here or go out. I have enjoyed watching the posts on face book to see the varied selections of food and activities.
I have thought alot about Thanksgiving 20 years ago. My parents were married in 1939 on Thanksgiving Day. In 1989, we gathered in Enid Oklahoma to celebrate their 50th anniversary with a vow renewable at the church, followed by a reception. We had a great time!
I didn't know it until the first part of December, but I was pregnant that Thanksgiving. We had 2 boys and I really wanted a daughter. I found out I was pregnant the first part of December, Laci was born July 18, 1990. It doesn't seem like 20 years ago. Sometimes it seems longer, sometimes just yesterday. I have tried to remember the Thanksgiving in 1990, but I honestly don't remember anything about it. Where we went, what we did, completely draws a blank. I'm sure we celebrated, but not really sure about any details.
Laci died in January 9f 1991. I would consider this one of the worst things I have experienced.
So, flash forward 20 years later. I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving. We are having friends and family to our home and I have a feeling it's gonna be a great day!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Having the Flu
The worst thing about being sick is well, being sick. I started a dry, tickle in the throat cough on Friday. The next day I was coughing consistently every 4 or 5 minutes. It was really just annoying, but I was getting tired coughing. By Sunday morning, I was ready to plan my funeral. I ached from top to toes. My fingers hurt to bend them. I was coughing about every 30 seconds with gasps of breath in between and my throat felt like it was on fire. The only time I wasn't coughing or suffering from a sore throat was when I was swallowing water or eating. I overstuffed and became waterlogged. So, Tuesday was my regular doctor's visit for diabetes, but I morphed it into "I'm sick!". Well, after the flu test, which is quite unpleasant. They stick a long q-tip up both nostrils and try to scrape brain matter onto it for a good sample. Not really, but it felt like that was what the doctor was trying to do. The test came back positive for influenza B. Guess I don't need that flu shot I was going to get. Now, I'm waiting to hear if I have H1N1 or "swine" flu. At this point, it doesn't really matter. They give you tamiflu for both strains. I checked the Internet and I have all the symptoms of H1N1, but those are the same symptoms as Influenza B.
I packed up all my nesting items and am cocooned in an upstairs bedroom. I am supposed to stay away from people for 10 days. That's apparently how long I will be contagious. So, I am doing homework, sleeping off and on and moaning a lot. Feeling achy all over like when you have the flu, (DUH) is making this break from hectic activities really lame. That's why I said the worse thing about being sick is "being sick".
I am fortunate that my husband is a very capable cook so Kady won't starve. My appetite is minimal since it's hard to swallow. Good thing I like soup. I also didn't know that daytime TV was so boring. Good thing the new fall season just started so I can watch something in the evening.
I'm just really glad that I take classes online, face book and write this. Otherwise, I would be going out of my mind! Oh well, this too shall pass. I guess next year I should take my flu shot in August. I'll put that on my calendar.
I packed up all my nesting items and am cocooned in an upstairs bedroom. I am supposed to stay away from people for 10 days. That's apparently how long I will be contagious. So, I am doing homework, sleeping off and on and moaning a lot. Feeling achy all over like when you have the flu, (DUH) is making this break from hectic activities really lame. That's why I said the worse thing about being sick is "being sick".
I am fortunate that my husband is a very capable cook so Kady won't starve. My appetite is minimal since it's hard to swallow. Good thing I like soup. I also didn't know that daytime TV was so boring. Good thing the new fall season just started so I can watch something in the evening.
I'm just really glad that I take classes online, face book and write this. Otherwise, I would be going out of my mind! Oh well, this too shall pass. I guess next year I should take my flu shot in August. I'll put that on my calendar.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
So I had a bad day
One of my favorite songs is Daniel Powder's (sp) Bad Day. Well, yesterday, I had such a bad day I was ready to just sit down and cry.
For openers, Kady has had trouble sleeping at night and yet again, she didn't sleep well the night before. Then, I happened to stumble on a blog that confirmed one of my really good friends had basically been lying to me about everything and everyone in their entire life. What a bummer! What I took for truth, was really a set of circumstances so far removed from reality that I wondered once again, "Why do I trust anybody?" Don't people know with the internet that the truth is always revealed? I mean, really people!
Then, after a rushed doctor's appointment, Kady and I went to Walmart. Me, responsible mom, left my purse in the cart in the parking lot. I didn't even realize it until about 2 hours after we left Walmart. Thank God! And, I really mean that, when I returned to Walmart Customer Service, my bag, and everything, was all intact and ok. I never carry cash, and I had a lot of cash in my bag. ALL THERE! It was really a God thing. I have heard through facebook a lot of people with similar experiences, but not such a good ending.
Don't you know I was ready to end my day?
To celebrate, I colored my hair.... really dark to match the dark black tips my nail manicurist had me do this time. Truthfully, it matches my mood.
I think I just need some sun. Not hot weather, just a little peek of light.
Fortunately, all things do come to an end, including bad days.
Here's to another new day and hope it will be better than yesterday!
For openers, Kady has had trouble sleeping at night and yet again, she didn't sleep well the night before. Then, I happened to stumble on a blog that confirmed one of my really good friends had basically been lying to me about everything and everyone in their entire life. What a bummer! What I took for truth, was really a set of circumstances so far removed from reality that I wondered once again, "Why do I trust anybody?" Don't people know with the internet that the truth is always revealed? I mean, really people!
Then, after a rushed doctor's appointment, Kady and I went to Walmart. Me, responsible mom, left my purse in the cart in the parking lot. I didn't even realize it until about 2 hours after we left Walmart. Thank God! And, I really mean that, when I returned to Walmart Customer Service, my bag, and everything, was all intact and ok. I never carry cash, and I had a lot of cash in my bag. ALL THERE! It was really a God thing. I have heard through facebook a lot of people with similar experiences, but not such a good ending.
Don't you know I was ready to end my day?
To celebrate, I colored my hair.... really dark to match the dark black tips my nail manicurist had me do this time. Truthfully, it matches my mood.
I think I just need some sun. Not hot weather, just a little peek of light.
Fortunately, all things do come to an end, including bad days.
Here's to another new day and hope it will be better than yesterday!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I'm taking a humanities course through Liberty University online. One of the topics we discussed was our values. Our values our those things that we would die for. It's something I have thought and discussed before with my friends, but I really enjoyed the idea that I would hear some feedback from those in different areas of the United States.
There wasn't really any earth shattering news to report. Most people agree that your values change as you grow older and as you grow in the Lord.
When we are young, we value what is on our level. I was fortunate to be raised in a Christian home where my parents taught and lived good moral Christian values. I thank God that I wasn't abused or neglected as some children are today. We were poor, but I didn't even know that until I was in my 30's. We had plenty to eat and a roof over our head. We never went hungry and always had a roof over our head. For that, I am truly grateful.
As we get older, our values change. I would like to believe that our values get more refined. We have life experience so we know and learn what is really important. Hopefully, we have and will train our children with the same strong, good values that we were raised with. I believe we have.
Our oldest son is an officer in the Army and he has gone to Iraq two times. Our second son was in the Army and went to Kosovo. He is now a firefighter and is training to be an EMT. Our next son is a financial manager for an IT corporation. The next son is a marketing representative and mascot for San Antonio Spurs. Our youngest son will be a senior in high school and has plans to attend college because he wants to be a police officer. Our daughter is 10, and has lots of plans for the future. But right now she volunteers at church in the nursery and at her dance studio with younger classes.
I think we are going in the right direction. That's important isn't it?
There wasn't really any earth shattering news to report. Most people agree that your values change as you grow older and as you grow in the Lord.
When we are young, we value what is on our level. I was fortunate to be raised in a Christian home where my parents taught and lived good moral Christian values. I thank God that I wasn't abused or neglected as some children are today. We were poor, but I didn't even know that until I was in my 30's. We had plenty to eat and a roof over our head. We never went hungry and always had a roof over our head. For that, I am truly grateful.
As we get older, our values change. I would like to believe that our values get more refined. We have life experience so we know and learn what is really important. Hopefully, we have and will train our children with the same strong, good values that we were raised with. I believe we have.
Our oldest son is an officer in the Army and he has gone to Iraq two times. Our second son was in the Army and went to Kosovo. He is now a firefighter and is training to be an EMT. Our next son is a financial manager for an IT corporation. The next son is a marketing representative and mascot for San Antonio Spurs. Our youngest son will be a senior in high school and has plans to attend college because he wants to be a police officer. Our daughter is 10, and has lots of plans for the future. But right now she volunteers at church in the nursery and at her dance studio with younger classes.
I think we are going in the right direction. That's important isn't it?
Friday, June 12, 2009
God, do we make you proud?
If you are on face book, then you know that my youngest daughter Kady is dancing in a recital tonight. Last night at dress rehearsal, from 5 to 10pm, I made an observation. There is about 150 girls that dance this year. There are little girls that haven't been walking very long all the way up to the teachers dancing. I have noticed it before, but never quite so obvious, that each parent believes their child is the "BEST" dancer ever. Of course, I think that about Kady too! Some girls, immediately look to their parent(s) to see if they are doing well, or not.
So, my thought was... as we go through our day. Sometimes stressful, sometimes not, God looks at us and loves us as if we were "only" children. Kady isn't an "only" child, but because she is so much younger than her older siblings, she is raised pretty close to that stigma.
Some days our "performance" may not be that great. We might slip and fall (tap shoes are slippery.) Our hair bows may fall out, our shoe might fall off, and we might forget all the right moves. But, because we want our Father to be pleased, we are striving to make Him proud. Or are we?
Whatever we do, in word or deed, may we only do what pleases Him and brings glory to His name.
So, my thought was... as we go through our day. Sometimes stressful, sometimes not, God looks at us and loves us as if we were "only" children. Kady isn't an "only" child, but because she is so much younger than her older siblings, she is raised pretty close to that stigma.
Some days our "performance" may not be that great. We might slip and fall (tap shoes are slippery.) Our hair bows may fall out, our shoe might fall off, and we might forget all the right moves. But, because we want our Father to be pleased, we are striving to make Him proud. Or are we?
Whatever we do, in word or deed, may we only do what pleases Him and brings glory to His name.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I love to sleep. If I believed in reincarnation (I don't) I think either I was a cat or would come back a cat. Cats sleep 20 out of 24 hours. But since I don't believe that way, its just a weird thought I guess.
I get up early when the sun beams in, or when someone is loud in the morning and wakes me up. Since I'm actually somewhat an insomniac, when I sleep, I sleep hard, when I wake, I'm up!
I remember sharing with a friend how much I had been sleeping. She had a newborn at the time, so sleep was elusive. She said telling her how much I was sleeping was like counting all your money in front of a poor person. She was right. I remember the newborn days.
My oldest son is adopted. I brought him home at 3 days. I was anxious once I heard about him being born, so I didn't sleep for two nights, wondering and thinking and planning for this baby boy. I was in for an incredible shock. I lost two nights sleep, so day three when we brought him home, that night.... he was awake every 2 hours to eat. I could not remember anyone ever telling me that babies don't sleep at least 8 hours at night. Thank God for naps! By the time he was 3 months old, he slept 8 hours straight. That was heaven!
In Psalm 3:5, 6 David says, "I lay down and slept. I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me. I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side." Sleep doesn't come easily during a crisis. David could have had sleepless nights when his son Absalom rebelled and gathered an army to kill him. But, he slept peacefully, even during the rebellion. What made the difference? David cried out to the Lord, and the Lord heard him. (See Psalm 3:1,ff) The assurance of answered prayer and divine protection brings peace. It's easier to sleep well when we have the conviction that God is in control of circumstances. If you are lying at night worrying about circumstances you can't change (or you can, but don't know how) pour out your heart to God, and thank him that He is in control. Sleep will come.
Jesus slept in a rocking boat during a violent, loud storm. He knew who was in control. Sometimes God calms the storm outside, and sometimes God calms the storm within us.
Let Him do both.... Sweet dreams!
I get up early when the sun beams in, or when someone is loud in the morning and wakes me up. Since I'm actually somewhat an insomniac, when I sleep, I sleep hard, when I wake, I'm up!
I remember sharing with a friend how much I had been sleeping. She had a newborn at the time, so sleep was elusive. She said telling her how much I was sleeping was like counting all your money in front of a poor person. She was right. I remember the newborn days.
My oldest son is adopted. I brought him home at 3 days. I was anxious once I heard about him being born, so I didn't sleep for two nights, wondering and thinking and planning for this baby boy. I was in for an incredible shock. I lost two nights sleep, so day three when we brought him home, that night.... he was awake every 2 hours to eat. I could not remember anyone ever telling me that babies don't sleep at least 8 hours at night. Thank God for naps! By the time he was 3 months old, he slept 8 hours straight. That was heaven!
In Psalm 3:5, 6 David says, "I lay down and slept. I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me. I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side." Sleep doesn't come easily during a crisis. David could have had sleepless nights when his son Absalom rebelled and gathered an army to kill him. But, he slept peacefully, even during the rebellion. What made the difference? David cried out to the Lord, and the Lord heard him. (See Psalm 3:1,ff) The assurance of answered prayer and divine protection brings peace. It's easier to sleep well when we have the conviction that God is in control of circumstances. If you are lying at night worrying about circumstances you can't change (or you can, but don't know how) pour out your heart to God, and thank him that He is in control. Sleep will come.
Jesus slept in a rocking boat during a violent, loud storm. He knew who was in control. Sometimes God calms the storm outside, and sometimes God calms the storm within us.
Let Him do both.... Sweet dreams!
Friday, May 29, 2009
I know a little overdue... but
Unless you live under a rock you know that Kris Allen won American Idol. I was pleased and actually posted him singing "God in this city" on face book. Sure, Adam was a better singer, only better vocally. I think I got really tired of everything he did had to be different. Sometimes a song just needs to be sung.(period)
Its interesting how all the hype is still going on about Adam "not winning." Recheck last blog entry.... I actually thought that Kris might win. I understand Danny Gokey blogs and predicted Kris winning for the same reason I suggested.
The top 10 were on two nights "Larry King live" with Ryan Secrest as the host instead of Larry King. Ryan was really good, and much better eye candy than the aged King. I like him because he really seems like the boy next door.
I gotta repeat though... I was really disappointed about "the song." It wasn't the words for me, it was the "theatricalness" of the tune. It seems like it was so much like Miley Cyrus' song that it was too familiar.
Adam was also on TMZ and apparently some posers have been tweeting and blogging in his name. So, don't assume anything you see in print is truly from Adam or Kris unless it is a reputable source. You can always check your source through www.snopes.com to see if its true.
I have to admit I will miss American Idol in the weeks ahead until it starts all over again in January. If I hear when an AI finalist cd will be released, I'll try to post it.
Its interesting how all the hype is still going on about Adam "not winning." Recheck last blog entry.... I actually thought that Kris might win. I understand Danny Gokey blogs and predicted Kris winning for the same reason I suggested.
The top 10 were on two nights "Larry King live" with Ryan Secrest as the host instead of Larry King. Ryan was really good, and much better eye candy than the aged King. I like him because he really seems like the boy next door.
I gotta repeat though... I was really disappointed about "the song." It wasn't the words for me, it was the "theatricalness" of the tune. It seems like it was so much like Miley Cyrus' song that it was too familiar.
Adam was also on TMZ and apparently some posers have been tweeting and blogging in his name. So, don't assume anything you see in print is truly from Adam or Kris unless it is a reputable source. You can always check your source through www.snopes.com to see if its true.
I have to admit I will miss American Idol in the weeks ahead until it starts all over again in January. If I hear when an AI finalist cd will be released, I'll try to post it.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
American Idol....Adam vs. Kris
At the end of last week, they did a coin toss and Kris won. He chose to go second, which makes sense.
Adam is an awesome singer. I liked both of his first two songs. He also looked really hot in his "silver" suit. I liked both of Kris' first two songs too.
I mentioned on my facebook status that the song Kara co-wrote sounds a lot like Miley Cyrus' song "The Climb". Did anyone else notice the similarity between that and their song? She actually sang it on American Idol a few weeks ago.
Tomorrow night's show is bound to be an awesome show. I don't really have a prediction for who I think will win because a lot of it has to do with more than just their singing ability. I did read though that Kris may win because most of Danny's fans will vote for Kris and I know there was only 1 million votes separating the top two last week. That means, even if Kris was second last week, he has the potential to win.
I still stand by the premise that both Adam and Kris will be making albums. I think they both know this now too. I also believe Danny Gokey will be recording soon too. Also, Allison will be picked up by someone soon too I believe. Keep your ears open and let me know if you hear when any of the top 4 has a CD released. I want to know. Later.
Adam is an awesome singer. I liked both of his first two songs. He also looked really hot in his "silver" suit. I liked both of Kris' first two songs too.
I mentioned on my facebook status that the song Kara co-wrote sounds a lot like Miley Cyrus' song "The Climb". Did anyone else notice the similarity between that and their song? She actually sang it on American Idol a few weeks ago.
Tomorrow night's show is bound to be an awesome show. I don't really have a prediction for who I think will win because a lot of it has to do with more than just their singing ability. I did read though that Kris may win because most of Danny's fans will vote for Kris and I know there was only 1 million votes separating the top two last week. That means, even if Kris was second last week, he has the potential to win.
I still stand by the premise that both Adam and Kris will be making albums. I think they both know this now too. I also believe Danny Gokey will be recording soon too. Also, Allison will be picked up by someone soon too I believe. Keep your ears open and let me know if you hear when any of the top 4 has a CD released. I want to know. Later.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Bye Bye Danny!
Well, I am disappointed. I didn't want Danny to leave, but, I can claim neither responsibility or fault. I didn't call to keep anyone. I also know some that were trying to call Danny had trouble getting through, but with over 80 million people voting, the phones were jammed.
I think the worst disappointment for me was missing the last 5 minutes. I had recorded the show, and although I was watching it the same night, it only recorded one hour. I hope that they re-show the last few minutes again. I haven't been able to find it online anywhere. No doubt, the phones are going to go crazy next week. The show should be good. The finales always are really great. You will have to stay tuned for Wednesday because that's when the votes are counted.
Until next time.... Later.
I think the worst disappointment for me was missing the last 5 minutes. I had recorded the show, and although I was watching it the same night, it only recorded one hour. I hope that they re-show the last few minutes again. I haven't been able to find it online anywhere. No doubt, the phones are going to go crazy next week. The show should be good. The finales always are really great. You will have to stay tuned for Wednesday because that's when the votes are counted.
Until next time.... Later.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What's going to happen?
After listening to the three sing tonight, I was thinking. (That can be trouble)
I think as a performer, Adam Lambert is almost (I said almost) in another league, as he has been all season. I appreciate his words at the end about appreciating the other two guys, and they were awesome. But, (you knew that was coming) I am thinking perhaps the finale should be between Kris and Danny. Partly, because at this stage, Adam is a performer and will have a career for years to come. He is talented. But, I like good competition and I think a finale between Kris and Danny would be more on a level ground. Don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me, but that's what I decided.
I was thinking about this earlier yesterday about how Adam Lambert has essentially paid his dues. He moved out to California a few years back and has been trying to break into the music field. That being said, he has obviously paid his dues. But, does that necessarily give him an edge?
Actually, from the beginning, American Idol was to discover someone who might not otherwise be discovered because of the nature of the competition. (I watched "Pop Star" too. If you don't know what I'm talking about, the was the pre-show like AI before AI began. They did a girl group "Eden's Crush" and a boy group "O Town". I bought both of the Cd's. No voting, just judges judging. But, they sang behind screens where you could only see their outline. After a few weeks, the winners (4 or 5) started as a group performing without screens. Interesting concept, but you know they make tons more money with callers calling in to vote. The phone company probably loves AI don't you know?
Last year I didn't care which David won, because I liked them both. So, my hope is that Danny wins. I'd like to see the finale be done by Danny and Kris, with Adam leaving tomorrow. But, I think Kris will probably leave tomorrow. I guess if I really "cared" or was at least manic about it, I would vote, but I don't.
We will see tomorrow, won't we? Later.
I think as a performer, Adam Lambert is almost (I said almost) in another league, as he has been all season. I appreciate his words at the end about appreciating the other two guys, and they were awesome. But, (you knew that was coming) I am thinking perhaps the finale should be between Kris and Danny. Partly, because at this stage, Adam is a performer and will have a career for years to come. He is talented. But, I like good competition and I think a finale between Kris and Danny would be more on a level ground. Don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me, but that's what I decided.
I was thinking about this earlier yesterday about how Adam Lambert has essentially paid his dues. He moved out to California a few years back and has been trying to break into the music field. That being said, he has obviously paid his dues. But, does that necessarily give him an edge?
Actually, from the beginning, American Idol was to discover someone who might not otherwise be discovered because of the nature of the competition. (I watched "Pop Star" too. If you don't know what I'm talking about, the was the pre-show like AI before AI began. They did a girl group "Eden's Crush" and a boy group "O Town". I bought both of the Cd's. No voting, just judges judging. But, they sang behind screens where you could only see their outline. After a few weeks, the winners (4 or 5) started as a group performing without screens. Interesting concept, but you know they make tons more money with callers calling in to vote. The phone company probably loves AI don't you know?
Last year I didn't care which David won, because I liked them both. So, my hope is that Danny wins. I'd like to see the finale be done by Danny and Kris, with Adam leaving tomorrow. But, I think Kris will probably leave tomorrow. I guess if I really "cared" or was at least manic about it, I would vote, but I don't.
We will see tomorrow, won't we? Later.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Bye Bye Allison!
Leaving at this point of the show has to be a little bittersweet. They still will travel on the summer tour for the top 10. I wasn't too surprised that Allison left. I think the three guys just have a bigger fan base. It doesn't mean that she won't be making cds. In facet, having Doughtry on last night was proof of that. Also, I have to admit, I don't care for "No Doubt". I absolutely fast forwarded through their song after the first 30 seconds. I just found their song a little annoying. OK, not a little a LOT! Sorry if you're a fan. I always enjoy when the idols get to choose their own music. It will be fun to see their visits back home too. Until next week on Idol. Later!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Top Four of American Idol
Don't you love it when Adam begins a show? Slash was a little surprising as a "mentor". I know he is a musician, but I didn't think he would care much about a "pop show". This is Adam's genre, so he did no doubt, exactly what everyone thought he would do...an excellent job. I liked Allison's song, and thought she did a great job. I kinda feel for her, she always gets such tough criticism, but she is only 17 people! Can you imagine where she will stand when she is Adam's age. I really liked the duet that Kris & Danny did too, but Simon was catty when he told Danny he sang better. I didn't like the cattiness. It is beneath him as a judge. Kris' song was good, especially if you liked that song, and I do. He is amazing on the guitar isn't he? Gotta say though I didn't like Danny's ending to his song. It was OK for that song, but a little out there. I wish he had stuck to what he knows. It was edgy, like he wanted and good until the "cat screech" at the end. The duet by Adam and Allison was awesome. But, it was kind of predictable. They had a great song, great blend, great outfits, and they should record a duet together. Just guessing... Kris will probably leave tonight. If it's not Kris, it will be Allison. Anyone else would surprise me. I could see the finals being Allison and Adam, except that Danny has a lot of fans. (I am one). We will see!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
American Idol Top Five
Kris was great last night. He is one of my favorites, as he voice is always pitch perfect on. I think he may have surprised a few people by the enthusiasm Jamie Fox showed. Allison is always spot on with song choices, so she was predictable, but enjoyable last night. Seems like her voice has improved over the last few weeks. She has more control. I thought Matt did a really good job. I think at this point in the competition, the whole group can see themselves winning. Danny Gokey was good as always, and I'm glad he showed his range more this week. That boy can sing! Adam was perfect as always. He is such a drama king though isn't he? I loved the way he walked down the stairs. His song and all his notes were flawless. He is so perfect, I am so impressed that week after week, he continues to surprise and perfect his vocals. I'm looking forward to this week when Taylor Hicks will be back to sing. Its his genre. I think that Matt will probably leave this week. At this stage of the game, I love them all, but I know someone has to leave. I'm not sure why Simon thinks Allison will leave, because I believe she has a good following. We will see later, won't we?
Friday, April 24, 2009
Late... but comments about American Idol this week
I intentionally haven’t been on-line until I could watch recorded American Idol this week. (That’s ok, didn’t have time either)
PART 1 OK, now is the week for Lil to go home. I’ve said this repeatedly, but who is listening to the judges for real? Her song was so all over the place. She is no American Idol winner.
Kris’ version of “She works hard for the money” was amazing. Paula’s comment of it being like Santana was a hot compliment! Wow! I would buy that single.
Danny Gokey is still one of my favorites. Even though he can really sing, I am not a fan of the song he sang. He is still so entertaining, even though he was singing a not so great song…. He was fabulous!
Allison’s rendition of her “disco” song was really well done. But, I would have liked to hear her sing something a little more up-beat. Doesn’t she have amazing vocals?
Adam Lambert is so above the rest. His voice is so perfect. I would buy him singing the phone book, or my grocery list. He took such a risk and I loved it! I also really like his humbleness. He has never been catty or egotistical. I love it!
Matt is so much fun to watch performing. He took a really well known song and made it kind of bluesy and hip. I think he will be around the entertaining world awhile, even if he leaves American Idol before the final. His talent is similar to Justin Timberlake in that I believe he is not just a one hit wonder. I knew that Simon wouldn’t like his song. I think he might have a different opinion if he was female.
Anoop sang a rendition of disco that I couldn’t really even recognize when he started. That was really a risk and I hope it works for him. It was to say the least, original. He is going to be a popular “pop” singer. If he stays in the genre, I think he will sell, sell, sell. He can really hit those notes too. Ballads are great for him, I agree with Kara.
My prediction is Lil and Anoop will leave. Anyone else leaving will surprise me. Will the judges wish they had saved their save? Stay tuned for Part 2
(I’m going to post these together, even though I watched the Tuesday night show first before writing above, and then watched Wednesday and wrote the following.)
Part 2 Paula is still an amazing dance choreographer! What a talent! The seven did a great job of dancing, although you could tell they were lip singing. Finally, Lil leaves! It didn’t make me sad except that we had to listen to her sing one more time. I admit I fast forwarded through her song. The medley of disco songs was interesting… songs were recognizable but the singers were not.
David Archuletta was awesome as always. He is such a sunny voice to hear. I love his upbeatedness! (new word for the day)
I was right on about who was leaving. But I know that Allison being in the bottom three was pretty hard for her. When it gets down to the final few, someone good leaves. Anoop has such class, and has demonstrated that throughout this competition. He is a true gentleman.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. Bring it on!
PART 1 OK, now is the week for Lil to go home. I’ve said this repeatedly, but who is listening to the judges for real? Her song was so all over the place. She is no American Idol winner.
Kris’ version of “She works hard for the money” was amazing. Paula’s comment of it being like Santana was a hot compliment! Wow! I would buy that single.
Danny Gokey is still one of my favorites. Even though he can really sing, I am not a fan of the song he sang. He is still so entertaining, even though he was singing a not so great song…. He was fabulous!
Allison’s rendition of her “disco” song was really well done. But, I would have liked to hear her sing something a little more up-beat. Doesn’t she have amazing vocals?
Adam Lambert is so above the rest. His voice is so perfect. I would buy him singing the phone book, or my grocery list. He took such a risk and I loved it! I also really like his humbleness. He has never been catty or egotistical. I love it!
Matt is so much fun to watch performing. He took a really well known song and made it kind of bluesy and hip. I think he will be around the entertaining world awhile, even if he leaves American Idol before the final. His talent is similar to Justin Timberlake in that I believe he is not just a one hit wonder. I knew that Simon wouldn’t like his song. I think he might have a different opinion if he was female.
Anoop sang a rendition of disco that I couldn’t really even recognize when he started. That was really a risk and I hope it works for him. It was to say the least, original. He is going to be a popular “pop” singer. If he stays in the genre, I think he will sell, sell, sell. He can really hit those notes too. Ballads are great for him, I agree with Kara.
My prediction is Lil and Anoop will leave. Anyone else leaving will surprise me. Will the judges wish they had saved their save? Stay tuned for Part 2
(I’m going to post these together, even though I watched the Tuesday night show first before writing above, and then watched Wednesday and wrote the following.)
Part 2 Paula is still an amazing dance choreographer! What a talent! The seven did a great job of dancing, although you could tell they were lip singing. Finally, Lil leaves! It didn’t make me sad except that we had to listen to her sing one more time. I admit I fast forwarded through her song. The medley of disco songs was interesting… songs were recognizable but the singers were not.
David Archuletta was awesome as always. He is such a sunny voice to hear. I love his upbeatedness! (new word for the day)
I was right on about who was leaving. But I know that Allison being in the bottom three was pretty hard for her. When it gets down to the final few, someone good leaves. Anoop has such class, and has demonstrated that throughout this competition. He is a true gentleman.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. Bring it on!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Judges save Matt!
I am so confused! What is wrong with America's vote? If someone can explain why Lil is still not in the bottom, I would really appreciate it. I knew when Lil was not in the bottom that the Judges would have to save Matt. He was better than she was period. I am seriously doubting what people are thinking about when they vote...proving Simon wrong? So the good news is, Matt is saved. The bad news is two fold: Next week two people leave, and the genre of music will be disco. I don't think its completely bad news, there are some good songs from disco, which is my era. But, there is a bunch of bad songs to choose from too. If Lil doesn't leave next week, there definitely needs to be a re-count. Logically, Matt and Lil leave next week but, American Idol defies logic.
American Idol does songs from movies
Allison starts off the show with one of the best movie songs! She has really stepped it up and seems to be in it to win it! She has such a recognizable voice that I am looking forward to her first cd release. Anoop did a better job this week than he had been doing. He may not win American Idol, but I believe he has a good career ahead of him. Adam was amazing as always. He and Allison are just in a league of their own, aren't they? Matt did a good job on the piano with his song, but I would have preferred he sing something else. Danny Gokey chose such an emotional song and sang it well, but I think he got caught up in choosing a song he liked instead of a song he should sing. That is two different things. I'm sure its easy to over analyze song choice when its down to the last few. Randy was so far off with Kris' song. What was that about? I totally agreed with Kara that he did an amazing job. So the song was obscure? I was glad for that, it makes it interesting to hear a song not so popular. I almost feel asleep when Lil sang this week. She really looked good, but her song was abysmal. I like gospel, but I didn't feel like she really measured up to the other six singers. Anyone leaving besides Lil will really make me question the voters. More later after the results.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Good-bye Scott
I really liked Scott and his final performance was one of the songs I really liked him singing. I had to wonder if his ego wasn't kind of topping out. I know in the "heat of the moment" you can say things you might filter out if you had a chance. But, I didn't really like it with the attitude. I was right on about Lil being in the bottom three. I think that the judges might actually save her. They only have 2 more chances to use their veto, so we will see if that happens. Remember its just a one week reprieve. After they use the veto, the following week two people will leave.
The entertainment for the show was different. I wasn't familiar with Flo Rida and I'm not a fan of rap, but the song was entertaining and the dancers were really awesome. I'm a Kelly Pickler fan, but I didn't like her performance. She looks like she lost weight and her dress and shoes were adorable. I almost felt like her song was a little "off".
Can't wait for next week.
The entertainment for the show was different. I wasn't familiar with Flo Rida and I'm not a fan of rap, but the song was entertaining and the dancers were really awesome. I'm a Kelly Pickler fan, but I didn't like her performance. She looks like she lost weight and her dress and shoes were adorable. I almost felt like her song was a little "off".
Can't wait for next week.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
American Idol does song of their birth year.
Danny Gokey kicked off American Idol with a great song. He is really pretty adorable, and I really like his gospel flair. Chris did a song with guitar and though I've always liked him yikes it stunk. He has an amazing voice, but it was off tempo, no riffs, boring yuck. I agree with everyone about Lil. She was karoake Tina Turner. I like Tina, but I think I've seen a better copy in drag. Poor Scott, I don't know if he is getting bad advice or what, but his performance was an awful mess. Chords were off and his voice was flat in places. The only thing I can give him is he did try something different. DON'T TRY IT AGAIN, or you are gone Scott. Matt was so good! I liked him before but his song was like a Justin Timberlake and Toby Mac combo. Both good singers and awesome talents. He made the song his. I would have loved to see that performance in person. Allison keeps growing and growing as a performer. I keep having to remind myself that she is only 16. What a voice! She is quickly becoming one of my favorites. If she doesn't win, I would still buy her songs for my i-pod. It did help that she sang one of my favorite songs. Anoop was good, and I really appreciate that he was apologizing for his "bad look" to the judges. What can you say about Adam. He is so far above the other singers, unless he gets a bad vote, I believe he will be in the finals with someone else. I'll let you know later who I think it might be, but it will probably be female. My guess for who will leave tonight? I polled my family in Oklahoma. My guess is Scott, my niece guesses Scott too. My sister says Scott or Lil. My nephew says Lil or Anoop. We watched it in HD, wow, I loved it! Talk to you later....
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
I did watch American Idol last week
As some of you know, I left for Oklahoma on Monday, March 30 and I am coming home April 17. If you facebook, you can check the status there for all the truly current happenings.
American Idol last week was viewed in Oklahoma "live". (I usually record and watch it the next day) There really weren't any surprises. I was pretty sure that Megan would go home last week, so no big shock that it was this week instead. I missed the show on Wednesday. I thought the show was pretty good. The only thing was although Lil is a good singer.... she just doesn't appeal to me. I think because I keep waiting to see (actually hear) her do something to WOW me, and it hasn't happened yet. I enjoy watching Scott, but I think his songs are beginning to sound the same. All the other singers were good. Megan was just off, musically and fashion wise. Sorry, I did like Allison's outfit, she is young and that's the way you look. She wasn't just dressed "rocker" but youthful. I usually agree with Simon, but not always with his fashion sense. He is older, and he speaks of fashion as not only a man, but a father figure. Chris is a really good musician, although I don't think he will make it to the finals, I hope he continues on for awhile. Did you like Adam? He is always so good, and this week, keeping his hair a little like last week was a good move, showing he will always be full of surprises. I never heard what tonight's genre will be. I do know it's only an hour show. (If you have never seen FRINGE, its good too) More next time after Idol.
American Idol last week was viewed in Oklahoma "live". (I usually record and watch it the next day) There really weren't any surprises. I was pretty sure that Megan would go home last week, so no big shock that it was this week instead. I missed the show on Wednesday. I thought the show was pretty good. The only thing was although Lil is a good singer.... she just doesn't appeal to me. I think because I keep waiting to see (actually hear) her do something to WOW me, and it hasn't happened yet. I enjoy watching Scott, but I think his songs are beginning to sound the same. All the other singers were good. Megan was just off, musically and fashion wise. Sorry, I did like Allison's outfit, she is young and that's the way you look. She wasn't just dressed "rocker" but youthful. I usually agree with Simon, but not always with his fashion sense. He is older, and he speaks of fashion as not only a man, but a father figure. Chris is a really good musician, although I don't think he will make it to the finals, I hope he continues on for awhile. Did you like Adam? He is always so good, and this week, keeping his hair a little like last week was a good move, showing he will always be full of surprises. I never heard what tonight's genre will be. I do know it's only an hour show. (If you have never seen FRINGE, its good too) More next time after Idol.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I was Wrrrrrrrroooonnnnngggg!
Wow! What a surprise. I really expected Megan to leave. But, it was Michael. Actually, I am not that surprised because he would have been in the bottom three going by his song last night. BUT, Matt being in the bottom after his performance really surprised me. The only explanation I have is that when it gets down to the last 10, its not just about their song but about fan base. I actually thought Michael had a good fan base. He didn't seem too upset though did he? Well, in the past, the top 10 have done well, and he made it that far. He gets to tour this summer and he gets to go see his family. Its all good as far as he is concerned. Megan was surprised she wasn't at least in the bottom three, don't you think? Surprised and thrilled to still be there, that's my thought. Well, the show was good with the duet by Joss Stone and Smokey. Ruben Studdard is always good. Man, that boy can sweat can't he? Seemed like watching it live had a LOT of commercials, but we were home and nothing else (but basketball) was on. Looking forward to next week.
American Idol 10 do Motown
Matt, Let's get it on: Kris, How sweet it is: Scott, Can't hurry love: Megan, For once in my life: Anoop, Baby, Baby: Michael, Ain't too proud to beg: Lil, Heatwave: Adam, Tracks of my tears: Danny, Get Ready: Allison, Papa was a Rolling Stone.
Motown has so many songs to choose from that genre that it is actually so sad when someone chooses a wrong song at this point in the competition.
I'm a big fan of Matt, and his rendition of "Let's get it on" could only be outdone by Barry White. He has a way of inserting himself into the song, it's really enjoyable to watch him. Kris and his version of How Sweet it is, wow, how sweet he is! But is sweet enough at this point? Scott is always singing the same, I feel. I believe that he is talented, but I really would like to see him do something else. What I mean is, the last 3 weeks he has basically sung very similar songs. Ramp it up Scott! What can be said of Megan? Her performance was abysmal. I don't know what she was thinking. Awful song choice. Now, the song is good but her singing it was almost like a cruise ship wanna be. Argh! Anoop, sweet soulful, and his voice is just so sweet. I would buy that single. Michael seemed like he was having fun, but I really agree with the judges, he really needs to put more into it, step it up. His love of the fans was the best part of watching him. Talk about a disappointment with Lil! She should have nailed Motown genre, but she looked good, and that was it. Her song was just downright awful. Can you say karaoke?
Adam, oh wow, AGAIN! He is so in another league that even if he left tomorrow, he'd be a star and not be a loser at all. He sang hot and he looked hot! What a perfect face he has when he doesn't have his hair in his eyes. I actually really liked his look last night. I needed a fan going when he sang. HOT!!! Poor Danny having to follow Adam has to be a little unnerving, but he always does a good job. I agree with the judges it wasn't great, but he is so energetic, you can't help but enjoy his performance. I don't think he is in danger of leaving even if this wasn't his best song. Then, Allison having to be last... don't you think most 16 year olds would crumble under the pressure? She is such a trooper, and her song was really good. Her voice is so different, I think she is like a young Macy Gray. My guess for the leaver? Megan, if her song this week was different... Michael would be going. So, we shall see, won't we?
Motown has so many songs to choose from that genre that it is actually so sad when someone chooses a wrong song at this point in the competition.
I'm a big fan of Matt, and his rendition of "Let's get it on" could only be outdone by Barry White. He has a way of inserting himself into the song, it's really enjoyable to watch him. Kris and his version of How Sweet it is, wow, how sweet he is! But is sweet enough at this point? Scott is always singing the same, I feel. I believe that he is talented, but I really would like to see him do something else. What I mean is, the last 3 weeks he has basically sung very similar songs. Ramp it up Scott! What can be said of Megan? Her performance was abysmal. I don't know what she was thinking. Awful song choice. Now, the song is good but her singing it was almost like a cruise ship wanna be. Argh! Anoop, sweet soulful, and his voice is just so sweet. I would buy that single. Michael seemed like he was having fun, but I really agree with the judges, he really needs to put more into it, step it up. His love of the fans was the best part of watching him. Talk about a disappointment with Lil! She should have nailed Motown genre, but she looked good, and that was it. Her song was just downright awful. Can you say karaoke?
Adam, oh wow, AGAIN! He is so in another league that even if he left tomorrow, he'd be a star and not be a loser at all. He sang hot and he looked hot! What a perfect face he has when he doesn't have his hair in his eyes. I actually really liked his look last night. I needed a fan going when he sang. HOT!!! Poor Danny having to follow Adam has to be a little unnerving, but he always does a good job. I agree with the judges it wasn't great, but he is so energetic, you can't help but enjoy his performance. I don't think he is in danger of leaving even if this wasn't his best song. Then, Allison having to be last... don't you think most 16 year olds would crumble under the pressure? She is such a trooper, and her song was really good. Her voice is so different, I think she is like a young Macy Gray. My guess for the leaver? Megan, if her song this week was different... Michael would be going. So, we shall see, won't we?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Good bye Alexis!
So, I was right about Alexis leaving. One of the problems this year, not really a problem, but they are all so good. I think each of the remaining 10 is so good that, from her on in, it really will be who has started building the biggest fan base. All 10 of them are quite capable of delivering Gold records at this point. Votes are around 30 to 35 million, so even people calling in over and over, that still doesn't translate to less than a million people per singer. I guess I was a little surprised that Michael and Allison were in the bottom three, but at this point, everybody but two will eventually go. I do like that Lil Rounds was happy and seemed a little surprised to still be in the competition. A little humbleness goes a lot for me towards the likability factor. Don't you agree? I replayed Adam's song again from you-tube, and although I'm not a big rock fan, it was just quirky enough for me that I really liked it. I still am just shocked how high he can sing, and it doesn't sound all that "falsetto". If Alexis hadn't left and it was one of the other two, I would be a little disappointed, but not surprised. Next week is Motown but the show is on Wednesday and Thursday night. Looking forward to it!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
American Idol on the top 11 -- Country week
I’m a fan of country music, so this was a great show to watch. Scott was fun to watch. He is just a big guy with a heart of gold… a real person. Wasn’t the harmonica part amazing? Kris is such a cutie. He sings ballads so sweetly. He could record a cd with just love ballads and I would buy it. Allison is kind of a female version of Adam. She is gorgeous and fun to watch and is really young for her vocal ability. I still don’t feel too connected with Lil. I think she has a good voice, but honestly the song she sang was one of my favorite Martina McBride songs, and I think she butchered it. Adam’s choice was probably my least favorite country song out there. This may surprise you though… I thought he was really good. What a risk taker singing that song with a flair that only he can do. His vocals were breath taking. He hit some high notes that were right on perfect. What a talent. So, he won’t join Grand Ole Opry, but that boy can sing. I always like Scott’s music. Unfortunately, I felt the vocals were outshone by the piano. He’s an amazing pianist, so I hope he stays on, but stays on the piano too. Alexis was a little too karaoke. If I had to guess, she may leave tonight. At the very least she will be in the bottom 3. You know Danny is one of my favorites, and I really loved his version. I don’t think that Simon is a good judge of fashion. But, Danny was wearing something atrocious. He always dresses pretty casual, but this outfit was horrible! I can’t believe a fashion people would advertise they dressed him yesterday. Anoop sang another one of my favorite country songs. He did such a great job. I really hope he has a fan base to stay in the competition. He just always surprises me that that voice comes out of that body. I understand Megan just got back from the hospital, which may explain why her make-up was so dark. Her make-up artist must have been trying to cover the pale. She has a really different voice that would sure be recognizable on the radio. Matt, who I don’t consider him one of the top 5 was amazing. I know the song he sang and he changed it up so much it seemed like a different song. This would be a good show if you record (I do) you may want to keep and re-watch when nothing else is on television. My guess who is leaving is Alexis. I don't think Lil did very well, but I think the judges might be willing to save her.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
American Idol... 2 go home
Gotta say, I'm a little sad to see Jorge go. He is just one of those people you would like to see succeed. I believe he will find out that AI is a spring board for a lot of success, so he will still be blessed even though he is out for now.
The new twist. I like it. The judges get one veto of America to save a singer. One and only one. You had to know that they wouldn't use it the first week unless it was on Adam Lambert or Danny Gokey. Right?
OK, what is all the fuss about Lil Rounds? I know she is talented. Mom, three kids, married, yada, yada. Talented, yes. But, overall the past few years AI is not just about talent. Its about somebody different that we would buy their songs. Fantasia was a totally unique, range of awesome lengths, with a big smile to go with her big voice. Maybe what I'm missing is Lil hasn't had the opportunity to really blow me away yet.
Speaking of being blown away... Adam Lambert. HOT! HOT! HOT! Not just his song choice, everything about that whole performance was just outstanding. He hit notes, he sang but didn't yell. I have to say as one of my friends said, I agree 100%. " Anything but a finale with Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey won't be worth watching." (thanks Lani!) I'm sorry, I think they both are just such good singers and watching them.... well, it's great entertainment. I have to disagree with Simon (I usually agree) Danny doesn't dance that badly. You can tell he's moving with the beat and is just really into the music. Its not a dancing competition, but when you are so moved by what you are doing.... it travels to the feet.
I like Megan, but have to admit, the song choice was dismal at best. With all the years of Michael Jackson songs to choose "Rockin' Robin" was stupid. It had its place in history, but it is one of those songs that not only should she not have done it, but no one else should either. She needs to stick to what she does best, the bluesy, jazzy, songs with some low notes.
Let's see, who else was memorable. I liked Scott's rendition of his song, as well as Matt's, though I like Kris, it just didn't seem like that was as good as he could do. I have to give a kudo to Kris though for helping out everyone else (Paula said he did). He deserves to keep in there. He and his newlywed wife are a really pretty couple. I would like to see him do well. I liked Alexis, though the song choice was weird. Can't remember Jackson singing that, but it was fun to watch her sing. She is such a tiny thing!!!
I usually check out www.idolonfox.com to see what's happening next week. So, you can do that yourself this time.
btw... San Antonio.... David Archuletta is in town tonight. I have other plans or I would definitely go see him.
The new twist. I like it. The judges get one veto of America to save a singer. One and only one. You had to know that they wouldn't use it the first week unless it was on Adam Lambert or Danny Gokey. Right?
OK, what is all the fuss about Lil Rounds? I know she is talented. Mom, three kids, married, yada, yada. Talented, yes. But, overall the past few years AI is not just about talent. Its about somebody different that we would buy their songs. Fantasia was a totally unique, range of awesome lengths, with a big smile to go with her big voice. Maybe what I'm missing is Lil hasn't had the opportunity to really blow me away yet.
Speaking of being blown away... Adam Lambert. HOT! HOT! HOT! Not just his song choice, everything about that whole performance was just outstanding. He hit notes, he sang but didn't yell. I have to say as one of my friends said, I agree 100%. " Anything but a finale with Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey won't be worth watching." (thanks Lani!) I'm sorry, I think they both are just such good singers and watching them.... well, it's great entertainment. I have to disagree with Simon (I usually agree) Danny doesn't dance that badly. You can tell he's moving with the beat and is just really into the music. Its not a dancing competition, but when you are so moved by what you are doing.... it travels to the feet.
I like Megan, but have to admit, the song choice was dismal at best. With all the years of Michael Jackson songs to choose "Rockin' Robin" was stupid. It had its place in history, but it is one of those songs that not only should she not have done it, but no one else should either. She needs to stick to what she does best, the bluesy, jazzy, songs with some low notes.
Let's see, who else was memorable. I liked Scott's rendition of his song, as well as Matt's, though I like Kris, it just didn't seem like that was as good as he could do. I have to give a kudo to Kris though for helping out everyone else (Paula said he did). He deserves to keep in there. He and his newlywed wife are a really pretty couple. I would like to see him do well. I liked Alexis, though the song choice was weird. Can't remember Jackson singing that, but it was fun to watch her sing. She is such a tiny thing!!!
I usually check out www.idolonfox.com to see what's happening next week. So, you can do that yourself this time.
btw... San Antonio.... David Archuletta is in town tonight. I have other plans or I would definitely go see him.
Friday, March 06, 2009
The Final 13? American Idol
Whoa! Hold on to your hats this season. A few fans are a little upset. The show ran a little long. (It was posted as 24 seconds too long) But, that was long enough that some people missed the twist. OK, it's never been done, so it is considered a new twist. I was glad because #13 was Anoop and though his song last night was horrible. Singing, dancing, ugh... I really like him. There is something about him... you don't expect that voice to come out of that body. So, he is different.
Again with the drama and Tatiana. Please do not bring her back again. Yet, watch, she will be there in the end, somehow. They (some fans) just like the extra drama she brings. OK, maybe Ryan Secrest needs a sidekick. They seemed to have a little chemistry thing going before she found out she was out. MMMMMM Think about it Fox.
Since there are 13, I am interested in seeing how the rest of the season goes. Will they extend the finale one week or kick off two at a time? I'd like to see them extend the show. I get a little sad after the finale, because by then, you get attached to these kids.
I've bought several itune songs... David Archuletta, David Cook, Jordin Sparks, Kelly Clarkson, Doughtry. I'm looking forward to Kelly's new cd.
So, the music goes on... what else can happen?
Again with the drama and Tatiana. Please do not bring her back again. Yet, watch, she will be there in the end, somehow. They (some fans) just like the extra drama she brings. OK, maybe Ryan Secrest needs a sidekick. They seemed to have a little chemistry thing going before she found out she was out. MMMMMM Think about it Fox.
Since there are 13, I am interested in seeing how the rest of the season goes. Will they extend the finale one week or kick off two at a time? I'd like to see them extend the show. I get a little sad after the finale, because by then, you get attached to these kids.
I've bought several itune songs... David Archuletta, David Cook, Jordin Sparks, Kelly Clarkson, Doughtry. I'm looking forward to Kelly's new cd.
So, the music goes on... what else can happen?
Thursday, March 05, 2009
American Idol...3 more
American Idol picked three more for the final 12. Really no surprise there. Scott, Lil and Jorge (horhay) Also, the 8 picked for wild card. OK, who came up with eight? I guess they were trying to make sure it stays within the time frame of one hour. The three from that group are picked by the judges. Good idea. I was hoping that Anoop would make it to the wild card since he got cut earlier. I was totally disappointed about Tatiana. Give me a break! That girl is either bawling her eyes out or laughing that insanely annoying fake laugh.
So, let's break it down for the wild card.
Anoop, good singer. Jesse, the redhead, I don't remember her or what she sang. Megan, good singer as well as Jasmine, good singer but both of them haven't done anything memorable yet. The remaining four are Tatiana, (my feelings are clear about her) Von, Ricky & Matt. Well, at least they are all good singers. The trick for them is going to be... Pick some good songs. With all the songs they can do right at their finger-tips.... they all better bring it. Man, I can tell a bad song and whoosh they will be gone faster than chocolate chip cookies at a weight watchers meeting. Stay tuned. Oh, My favorite 3 from the wild card? Anoop, Megan and Von. Let's see how close I get.
So, let's break it down for the wild card.
Anoop, good singer. Jesse, the redhead, I don't remember her or what she sang. Megan, good singer as well as Jasmine, good singer but both of them haven't done anything memorable yet. The remaining four are Tatiana, (my feelings are clear about her) Von, Ricky & Matt. Well, at least they are all good singers. The trick for them is going to be... Pick some good songs. With all the songs they can do right at their finger-tips.... they all better bring it. Man, I can tell a bad song and whoosh they will be gone faster than chocolate chip cookies at a weight watchers meeting. Stay tuned. Oh, My favorite 3 from the wild card? Anoop, Megan and Von. Let's see how close I get.
Friday, February 27, 2009
American Idol...the next 3
Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and Allison Iraheta made it through this week. If you saw my facebook page you know that my vcr didn't quite record Wednesday nights show. I had several people tell me I didn't miss anything. OK, I trust y'all. The good news is with the format that AI is doing, I at least get to hear the "winners" sing the song that put them through.
So, Adam is really hot looking and I usually like his voice but the song he chose "not so much!" Part of the time I felt like he was yelling the song instead of singing it. I know that Rock goes like that sometimes, but it's like fingers on a chalkboard as far as the yelling goes.
Kris is a cutie and I really like the song he sang. "Man in the mirror" Although he is as different from Michael Jackson as it comes, he really did a decent job with the song.
Allison I remember from the Hollywood week. She is really young (and looks it) but her voice is kinda low and mellow. Very soothing. I could see her performing Nora Jones type songs. Or, maybe she will sing something from Sara Maclaughlan.
I thought Brooke White did a great job. She was one of my favorite girls during her season. She is a really good musician and her song was pretty catchy. Did it sound like something you have heard before too?
I don't think Norman Gentle, Nick is a good singer, but I thought if they did put him through it would definitely be entertaining. Can you just see Simon's skin crawl thinking about him going through. That was hilarious.
So next week will be the "Wildcard Week" That is a little different, but I'm looking forward to who they choose. Asnoop has to be one of them. It's kind of weird it being in the middle as there are 2 more groups to go right? So, are they going to have another Wildcard week in 3 more weeks. Let's wait and see.
So, Adam is really hot looking and I usually like his voice but the song he chose "not so much!" Part of the time I felt like he was yelling the song instead of singing it. I know that Rock goes like that sometimes, but it's like fingers on a chalkboard as far as the yelling goes.
Kris is a cutie and I really like the song he sang. "Man in the mirror" Although he is as different from Michael Jackson as it comes, he really did a decent job with the song.
Allison I remember from the Hollywood week. She is really young (and looks it) but her voice is kinda low and mellow. Very soothing. I could see her performing Nora Jones type songs. Or, maybe she will sing something from Sara Maclaughlan.
I thought Brooke White did a great job. She was one of my favorite girls during her season. She is a really good musician and her song was pretty catchy. Did it sound like something you have heard before too?
I don't think Norman Gentle, Nick is a good singer, but I thought if they did put him through it would definitely be entertaining. Can you just see Simon's skin crawl thinking about him going through. That was hilarious.
So next week will be the "Wildcard Week" That is a little different, but I'm looking forward to who they choose. Asnoop has to be one of them. It's kind of weird it being in the middle as there are 2 more groups to go right? So, are they going to have another Wildcard week in 3 more weeks. Let's wait and see.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
American Idol commentary
I love American Idol. I have been a follower since the first year. I loved Kelly Clarkson, still do. The three that made it this week to the top twelve was fairly predictable. Danny Gorkey is my very favorite. But the Oil Rigger guy, Michael Sarver is pretty likable too. Alexis Grace is good, but no Kelly Clarkson, unlike the comparison. The girls as a whole, so far are pretty disappointing. There isn't a Jennifer Hudson or Fantasia in the group. Now they were good. No, they were awesome.
I think that its possible Anoop will be brought back as a wild card. That's my prediction. There was only 20k votes between him and Michael.
So, what was with the music choices. Simon is always right. (well, almost) I don't always approve of the way he says it, but man, some of those music arrangements this week were horrible.
Those that didn't make it that I liked were: Ricky Braddy and Steven Fowler. They both chose really awful songs. UGH
Coming up too are two people a little corny and don't know if they can really sing are Nathaniel Marshall and Nick Mitchell. Don't really get either one of them. Nick is the one who acts as Norman Gentle. OK, maybe they will be entertaining, but it is debateable whether I would buy their music.
Coming up I like, Adam Lambert, Lil Rounds, Matt Breitzke and Scott MacIntyre. Kady thinks that Adam is like putting the two Davids (Cook & Archuletta) together. Scott is a cutie patootie.
Didn't you just hate Titiana Del Toro, the drama queen? Yeah, she can sing, but I'm not sure the music business needs another drama queen. Her reaction from loosing to Danny Gorkey was just pathetic. It did not make me feel sorry for her. I'm glad for the less drama, better singers. Comments anyone?
I think that its possible Anoop will be brought back as a wild card. That's my prediction. There was only 20k votes between him and Michael.
So, what was with the music choices. Simon is always right. (well, almost) I don't always approve of the way he says it, but man, some of those music arrangements this week were horrible.
Those that didn't make it that I liked were: Ricky Braddy and Steven Fowler. They both chose really awful songs. UGH
Coming up too are two people a little corny and don't know if they can really sing are Nathaniel Marshall and Nick Mitchell. Don't really get either one of them. Nick is the one who acts as Norman Gentle. OK, maybe they will be entertaining, but it is debateable whether I would buy their music.
Coming up I like, Adam Lambert, Lil Rounds, Matt Breitzke and Scott MacIntyre. Kady thinks that Adam is like putting the two Davids (Cook & Archuletta) together. Scott is a cutie patootie.
Didn't you just hate Titiana Del Toro, the drama queen? Yeah, she can sing, but I'm not sure the music business needs another drama queen. Her reaction from loosing to Danny Gorkey was just pathetic. It did not make me feel sorry for her. I'm glad for the less drama, better singers. Comments anyone?
Mimi the dog
This morning, I needed to give Mimi an antihistamine. She was itching and scratching (no fleas) from dry skin. Then she started sneezing and coughing. The first try was inserting the half pill in these little things called "Pill pockets". They are made for easier pill giving to your pet. They smell like something a dog would eat. So, I inserted the pill and gave it to Mimi to eat. She turned up her nose at the treat. So, I put the pill into some peanut butter (her favorite people food) She ate all the peanut butter and spit the pill out. So, (stupid me) I decided to try that again. This time I made sure the pill was completely covered up by peanut butter. Again, she ate all the peanut butter and spit the pill out. So, I really am smarter than a dog, so.... I crushed the pill up and mixed it into the peanut butter. She at the whole thing. Not to self: Use the last way as the first way next time. Time wasted giving pill to dog, 30 minutes.
This is the same dog who refuses to let us take her picture. We get the camera out and she runs under the bed. We can even just show her the cell phone and she will take off running away. (She knows cell phones take pictures, too) So, sorry, I can't post a picture of her.
This is also the dog that when someone said she was chubby, she growled at them.
She won't let us cut her toenails. She has to be taken to the doggy salon, and they love her there. She doesn't give them a bit of trouble. She does let me trim her hair. (She is a long-hair chihuahua) She likes her baths and likes to smell pretty. She then goes outside, finds the stinkiest part of the yard and rolls around in it. Perhaps we need Valium. No, not for Mimi, for me taking care of this neurotic dog.
This is the same dog who refuses to let us take her picture. We get the camera out and she runs under the bed. We can even just show her the cell phone and she will take off running away. (She knows cell phones take pictures, too) So, sorry, I can't post a picture of her.
This is also the dog that when someone said she was chubby, she growled at them.
She won't let us cut her toenails. She has to be taken to the doggy salon, and they love her there. She doesn't give them a bit of trouble. She does let me trim her hair. (She is a long-hair chihuahua) She likes her baths and likes to smell pretty. She then goes outside, finds the stinkiest part of the yard and rolls around in it. Perhaps we need Valium. No, not for Mimi, for me taking care of this neurotic dog.
Friday, February 06, 2009
I Joined Facebook
OK, I know. Isn't that a high school thing? Well, I thought about it and so what? I don't know that I care if anyone thinks it's a teen thing. One advantage is it might embarass the kids. Always a good thing. Husband doesn't care, so who is to say No, no no? So far, just checking in on a couple friends sites is fun. I'm always looking for new music. That is an option on the site too.
Last night we were telling embarrassing stories. Made me glad to be me. Embarrassing stuff happens right? Then later, you can tell all about it. But when it happens.... ugh! Don't you hate that feeling? Dread, stomach in throat, sweaty palms. I'm just glad that not all my embarrassing moments are on tape. Do I have any on tape? Anyway, I digress. How long does it take for that horrible feeling to become a humorous story? I'd like to know.
Last night we were telling embarrassing stories. Made me glad to be me. Embarrassing stuff happens right? Then later, you can tell all about it. But when it happens.... ugh! Don't you hate that feeling? Dread, stomach in throat, sweaty palms. I'm just glad that not all my embarrassing moments are on tape. Do I have any on tape? Anyway, I digress. How long does it take for that horrible feeling to become a humorous story? I'd like to know.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Another blog to visit
If you get a chance check out www.riggsfamilyblog.com You will be blessed and you will also have someone else to pray for.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Do you have friends that are always there? I think when I was little I thought my best friend would be my husband. But, like a lot of women, I had pre-conceived ideas a little skewed. Don't get me wrong, I'm friends with my husband, but to be a best friend; I think a little more not opposite would need to be in place. I don't think that's sad. Perhaps if you were a little girl still in Cinderella land maybe. But, if you want the truth, not everyone marries their best friend. If you're blessed, you are friends.
Some of us had a friend afraid to marry because she was so different from her spouse to be. She said "he doesn't like shopping, reading, chick-flicks" and we told her "That's why you have girlfriends!"
Sorry, but I even get a little skeptical when I hear someone say they are married to their best friend. I think you can have a very fulfilling, loving marriage and not necessarily have him be your best friend. A really good combination would be another couple you and your husband can both be friends with. Now, that's a hard fit. You actually have to have both directions of friendship. Plus, it needs to work. The dynamics are a little tricky, but it's great when it does come together.
As your children get older, they can become your friends. "Home-grown" friends. That is pretty cool.
I think Jesus struggled with friends and friendship. Don't you think? Everyone would want to "say" they are his friend, but he made sure that we knew what cost it would be to actually "be" his friend. Check out John 15:13. NOW, who is your best friend?
Some of us had a friend afraid to marry because she was so different from her spouse to be. She said "he doesn't like shopping, reading, chick-flicks" and we told her "That's why you have girlfriends!"
Sorry, but I even get a little skeptical when I hear someone say they are married to their best friend. I think you can have a very fulfilling, loving marriage and not necessarily have him be your best friend. A really good combination would be another couple you and your husband can both be friends with. Now, that's a hard fit. You actually have to have both directions of friendship. Plus, it needs to work. The dynamics are a little tricky, but it's great when it does come together.
As your children get older, they can become your friends. "Home-grown" friends. That is pretty cool.
I think Jesus struggled with friends and friendship. Don't you think? Everyone would want to "say" they are his friend, but he made sure that we knew what cost it would be to actually "be" his friend. Check out John 15:13. NOW, who is your best friend?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
We had 2 gerbils but one died about four or five months ago. He was grey and the one we have left was white. Well, overnight the white gerbil turned grey. Weird huh? I found a gerbil site that says it's possible they may turn grey when they get old. When we got the gerbils, they were a replacement for a happy hamster that died. They supposedly only live for 1-2 years. Well, Obi is almost 4. Guess we took really good care of them.
We watched "Clean House" on hgtv. Every time I see that show it makes me want to clean out my closet. Tomorrow, that is what we will do.
Sunday is the Super Bowl. Who do you cheer for if you don't really care? Cardinals are pretty birds, but can they play football?
We watched "Clean House" on hgtv. Every time I see that show it makes me want to clean out my closet. Tomorrow, that is what we will do.
Sunday is the Super Bowl. Who do you cheer for if you don't really care? Cardinals are pretty birds, but can they play football?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Do you ever feel that way? Your brain is one way then that way. And, your body is, well, tired. It reminds me of the song we sang as youngsters.
Have you ever seen a lassie, a lassie, a lassie?
Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and and that?
Go this way and that way and this way and that way,
Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and that?
Not to be confused by the dog, but the lassie means the "female".
Kady & I watched the wedding video of Anna and Josh Dugger. (TLC) It was nice, but even Kady found it hard to believe they didn't kiss until their wedding day. I can see both advantages and disadvantages. No luggage, but will they wonder what they missed? I totally get waiting until you are married to have sex. That makes sense. Well, diversity is what makes the world interesting. I'm just glad to not have 18 children. (That's how many the Duggers have)
I always thought it would be awesome to have a lot of kids, until I had my first one. Reality sinks in and children take up a lot of energy. Not just their own energy either. A real parent is hands on and expends a lot of energy and time and mental time on their children. Don't think it gets easier as children get older, it just gets different. Older children need time and attention too, they are just less willing to admit they need mom and dad. Therefore, more mental energy expended trying to reason with and reach the older child.
Roseanne Barr said it this way "there's a reason some animals eat their young!".
Hey, being a parent is the hardest job you will ever LOVE.
Have you ever seen a lassie, a lassie, a lassie?
Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and and that?
Go this way and that way and this way and that way,
Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and that?
Not to be confused by the dog, but the lassie means the "female".
Kady & I watched the wedding video of Anna and Josh Dugger. (TLC) It was nice, but even Kady found it hard to believe they didn't kiss until their wedding day. I can see both advantages and disadvantages. No luggage, but will they wonder what they missed? I totally get waiting until you are married to have sex. That makes sense. Well, diversity is what makes the world interesting. I'm just glad to not have 18 children. (That's how many the Duggers have)
I always thought it would be awesome to have a lot of kids, until I had my first one. Reality sinks in and children take up a lot of energy. Not just their own energy either. A real parent is hands on and expends a lot of energy and time and mental time on their children. Don't think it gets easier as children get older, it just gets different. Older children need time and attention too, they are just less willing to admit they need mom and dad. Therefore, more mental energy expended trying to reason with and reach the older child.
Roseanne Barr said it this way "there's a reason some animals eat their young!".
Hey, being a parent is the hardest job you will ever LOVE.
Monday, January 19, 2009
What happens next?
Well, today, for a lot of people was truly significant. I believe I was totally blessed by being raised by the parents I was given. Especially my father, he never met a stranger. But, neither one of my parents were the tiniest bit racist... towards any culture. I remember the end of the 60's some, but since my parents taught all 4 of us to see beyond (or not see at all) color, race or religion. I know there are still backwoods thinkers, and what a shame.
Tomorrow, another significant day, a new president will sworn in. I actually had a dream... (no pun intended) on the Saturday before election day. In the dream Obama and his wife were sitting at a table in a restaurant and someone introduced us. The introduction was "This is the next president." I remember not being really pleased at that, but in the dream, I was instructed to accept and pray for him.... Daily. I hope I can continue to do that. Some dream huh?
The real show of unity for the USA will be when we don't think of "black, white, mexican, asian" but, we just realize we all bleed red.
Cheers! and God Bless America!!
Tomorrow, another significant day, a new president will sworn in. I actually had a dream... (no pun intended) on the Saturday before election day. In the dream Obama and his wife were sitting at a table in a restaurant and someone introduced us. The introduction was "This is the next president." I remember not being really pleased at that, but in the dream, I was instructed to accept and pray for him.... Daily. I hope I can continue to do that. Some dream huh?
The real show of unity for the USA will be when we don't think of "black, white, mexican, asian" but, we just realize we all bleed red.
Cheers! and God Bless America!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
January 15, 17 years ago, I was in the hospital giving birth to my youngest son. He came out weighing nine pounds and with a broken collarbone (my fault) 17 years later and he is an awesome person. He loves what he does and makes friends easily. I'm really proud of him, and I'm glad we decided (ha ha) to have one more boy. Sometimes the best things are surprises in a little bundle.
Hope you had a great birthday T.J.!
Hope you had a great birthday T.J.!
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Big D
We spent the weekend in Dallas. (technically Richardson/Plano) We went initially to attend a baby shower for my great-nephew to be Rayden Matthew Porter. He is due February 17, so this is the party to get loot for the baby boy. It was fun and we enjoyed getting to see our other family "newbie" Addi Mae Ford. She is almost 8 weeks old and a real cutie patootie! We were hoping to see the family longer, but plans don't always work out the way you want when there are more than one decision decider. 
We also got a chance to visit the Galleria and The American Girl Store. Kady purchased a Chrissa Doll. See http://www.americangirl.com/ She came with an outfit and we bought an extra one. Plus the Chrissa book and movie. Th next doll she wants and is saving for is Julie, the 70's doll.
We also stopped for about two seconds at the ikea store. http://www.idea.com/ I could have stayed longer at that store, but Spurs game was at 7:30 last night (they lost)
Today is chilly, but at least there is sunshine.
Also, last week my other nephew got engaged. They have a blog/website at http://www.mywedding.com/janellandjeffreyswedding/blog.html Wouldn't that be fun to post all your plans? I happen to love the idea.

We also got a chance to visit the Galleria and The American Girl Store. Kady purchased a Chrissa Doll. See http://www.americangirl.com/ She came with an outfit and we bought an extra one. Plus the Chrissa book and movie. Th next doll she wants and is saving for is Julie, the 70's doll.
We also stopped for about two seconds at the ikea store. http://www.idea.com/ I could have stayed longer at that store, but Spurs game was at 7:30 last night (they lost)
Today is chilly, but at least there is sunshine.
Also, last week my other nephew got engaged. They have a blog/website at http://www.mywedding.com/janellandjeffreyswedding/blog.html Wouldn't that be fun to post all your plans? I happen to love the idea.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Isn't it funny how...
Aren't the flowers pretty? I actually got some bulbs the same time my sister did. My son Chris was living with us at the time. The bulbs were in the garage in a trash sack. My husband normally does the trash, but to be nice, Chris did it. Only, what he threw away was all the iris bulbs that we had dug up at mom's house in Enid.
I admit it, I wasn't mad. Hey! He threw out trash! Cheers!
I admit it, I wasn't mad. Hey! He threw out trash! Cheers!
Monday, January 05, 2009
Monday, Monday!
Not to belabor the point but it is cold here! 40 something degrees.
I think it's hard to get back in the groove after being kind of "on vacation".
My favorite scripture is Isaiah 40:31
They that wait upon the Lord,
shall renew their strength.
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary,
and they shall walk and not faint.
So here's to flying high!!!
I think it's hard to get back in the groove after being kind of "on vacation".
My favorite scripture is Isaiah 40:31
They that wait upon the Lord,
shall renew their strength.
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary,
and they shall walk and not faint.
So here's to flying high!!!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
All about the Weather
Yesterday it was 83 degrees and today it is low 50. Can you just feel the brain bubble then shrink. Yikes! We've got all the decorations put away. So today, the last day of vacation, I cleaned and Gary laid tile. What is wrong with us.
I just finished reading The Host for book club. Good read, but it takes about 8 chapters to really get good. It did feel like an accomplishment when I finished though. 600+ pages
Now I'm reading a Dean Koontz book "The darkest night of the year" I love his Odd Thomas series.I like mystery and Odd books are quirky. I read "The Shack" just before the holidays. You really need to read it if you haven't.
See how my brain has jumped around today. I tell you ITS THE WEATHER.
I just finished reading The Host for book club. Good read, but it takes about 8 chapters to really get good. It did feel like an accomplishment when I finished though. 600+ pages
Now I'm reading a Dean Koontz book "The darkest night of the year" I love his Odd Thomas series.I like mystery and Odd books are quirky. I read "The Shack" just before the holidays. You really need to read it if you haven't.
See how my brain has jumped around today. I tell you ITS THE WEATHER.
Friday, January 02, 2009
How many people make New Years Resolutions and then break every one by the end of January? I don't make New Years Resolutions, I find myself making daily ones. That way, the stress is stretched out and not crammed into one day. Aren't resolutions just goals with a fancy name?
I'm going to complain less, say I love you more and let my kids know I'm proud of them. Say it to their face instead of bragging to my friends about my kids. My children would probably like to hear all the great stuff I say about them. Didn't they know that?
I'm going to complain less, say I love you more and let my kids know I'm proud of them. Say it to their face instead of bragging to my friends about my kids. My children would probably like to hear all the great stuff I say about them. Didn't they know that?
Taking down the Christmas stuff.
OK, we play Christmas carols when we put up the Christmas decorations. But what kind of music should we play to put it all away? Once I get my holiday cards out in the mail, the holidays will really be over. Oh, yeah, gotta write Thank you notes. Finish the leftovers. Then, it will really be over. Next year I will start holiday plans sooner. Summer, that's right. I'll make my list and get things done by Thanksgiving. I'll let you know how that one goes.
New Year's Day!
We had a great time on New Years Day at the Rampage Hockey game. Besides the fact they won 6-2. It's just a lot of fun. So, if you haven't ever seen a game. You must! You must! That cute mascot T-bone is a riot too! Interesting what he can get people to do just for a laugh.
I really like Turkey, so we had it again. Pumpkin pie too, mmm, I knew something was calling me a minute ago. (Diet doesn't start until Monday)
I really like Turkey, so we had it again. Pumpkin pie too, mmm, I knew something was calling me a minute ago. (Diet doesn't start until Monday)
Ah the Holidays!
You know you are getting older when New Years comes, you have a babysitter and you end up at Walmart. Yes, thats what we did on New Years. Then we came home and watched the old movie with Clint Eastwood "Dead Pool". Guess we've graduated from parties to homebodies.
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