Wednesday, January 13, 2010

American Idol Year Nine

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding American Idol. First Chris wins over Adam, then Paula Abdul leaves and then Ellen DeGeneres is signed to "take her place". Now the final straw is "this is Simon's last year". Sorry, people, my prediction is this will be Idol's last year. With Simon's new show the X factor being brought to the U.S. I really doubt that Idol can compete, but we will see won't we?
My first impression from last night which was Boston auditions is more of the same. There are always some really horrible singers... how do they get through to the judges? There were some sweet stories that will probably be recapped again. Maddie, who has brother's with Down Syndrome. Cute girl, good story and she is on my list to watch. The other story that was touching was Justin, who had cancer and is now cancer free. The few names I gleaned from good singers were: Maddie, Justin, Bosa, Leah, Katie and Tyler. We will see as the season progresses... I'll keep you posted.

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