Friday, June 12, 2009

God, do we make you proud?

If you are on face book, then you know that my youngest daughter Kady is dancing in a recital tonight. Last night at dress rehearsal, from 5 to 10pm, I made an observation. There is about 150 girls that dance this year. There are little girls that haven't been walking very long all the way up to the teachers dancing. I have noticed it before, but never quite so obvious, that each parent believes their child is the "BEST" dancer ever. Of course, I think that about Kady too! Some girls, immediately look to their parent(s) to see if they are doing well, or not.
So, my thought was... as we go through our day. Sometimes stressful, sometimes not, God looks at us and loves us as if we were "only" children. Kady isn't an "only" child, but because she is so much younger than her older siblings, she is raised pretty close to that stigma.
Some days our "performance" may not be that great. We might slip and fall (tap shoes are slippery.) Our hair bows may fall out, our shoe might fall off, and we might forget all the right moves. But, because we want our Father to be pleased, we are striving to make Him proud. Or are we?
Whatever we do, in word or deed, may we only do what pleases Him and brings glory to His name.

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