Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I like to get on face book.  Connecting with friends, old and new.  Keeping up with them.  I like reading silly posts, or sometimes not so silly.
It happened slowly.  Not all at once.  Someone had a prayer request, it sent me to a page.  So, the face book prayer began.  Over the past year, I have joined several sites that involve children.
 Bradley's Story is a face book site that honors Bradley Allen, a child I have never met, but I have been praying for.  He went to be with Jesus a couple days ago.  He had an aggressive cancer.  I marvel at the faith and strength of this young family.  I'm not sure exactly how I heard about him.  I believe his family is friends with a good friend from college.
Effie Gregg is a young toddler with tumors in her body.  She has had surgery and chemo and is now healing but suffering the side effects of all the treatment on her little body.  I joined her page cause my paternal grandmother's name was Effie.  I pray for Effie.
Haley is an infant born with a condition that has most of her organs on the outside of her body.  She is on a breathing tube and a feeding tube.  Her family is young and they rejoice in her weight going up every day!!!  I pray for Haley.  She posted on another site.. Austin, which is how I started following her page.
Austin is another child who is so remarkable.  At three months he was shaken and thrown by a babysitter, a friend of the mother.  He is over a year old now.  This site is about forgiveness and progression, though slow, Austin is getting better.  I pray for Austin.
To some it may seem absurd to pray for ones you've never met.  Who cares?  Well,  God does.  One of my favorite quotes from C.S. Lewis, and forgive the paraphrase but:  I pray.  It may or may not change the situation, that is entirely up to God.  I pray because it changes ME.