I think America missed it a little.
Janell, Tyler, Ashley and Joe are going home.
Tyler was quirky enough that he would have added some interesting upbeatedness to the whole show as well as Joe's positivity. I think there were other guy singers who got by and through because they have a fan base, not because they should continue on because they are good singers.
Janell was a good singer, but unfortunately all of the girls this year are really pretty good. Ashley, even in her goodbye song was really awful. If she plays it back, she will realize she was off by a mile. So that one was called correctly.
I really liked the performances by both Chris and Allison. Allison was one of my favorites, she left before I thought she should. She also looked amazing. Loved her hair!
Until next time!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Top 12 boys on American Idol
A little late, because I had a headache... but I took notes. As of this moment, I haven't watched the results, so my prediction would still be unbiased.
Todrick, did a funked up version of Since you've been gone. Although the verses were cool... he should have stayed true to the chorus. Not a big fan of what he did. He does have some talent though.
Aaron, the cutie patootie with an adorable face and persona let the nerves get to him. I can't wait to see what he does in the coming weeks. Hope he gets the votes so we see him more.
Jermaine, the church singer, is given church a bad name. I'm a little disappointed at the attitude. Rather haughty, and he was a screaming mess in his song.
Tim Urban and Apologize should really say he is sorry for that performance. Not good!
Joe, another cutie, but his performance was unforgettable.
Tyler, the 70's darling should leave the 70's behind. His rendition of Pretty woman needs to stay back in the past. I do hope he goes shopping at the mall. Hey, I would take him shopping! He looks familiar. But, I was in high school in the 70's so he looks like a classmate of mine. LOL
Lee and his guitar were really good. I was surprised that Randy and Kara didn't like it. Simon in his successfulness did like it so, I was glad to ride his comments. Lee was good.
John, I really don't think he is that good of a singer. He is cute, so maybe that will get him some votes. Who knows?
Michael singing Maroon 5 was a little weird. I like him, and Maroon 5 is one of my favorite groups, but I guess the performance needed a little more "group" instead of singing as a solo. Ryan was right though, his guitar looks like a ukulele in Michael's big hands.
Alex, a Texas was all over the place with the notes. I don't see how he can keep up. His vocals are just not that good. Maybe it was the song, but I don't know.
Casey James - Heaven, yes it was. Enough said!
Andrew, one of my favorites from earlier, totally blew it with song choice. He just picked a really awful song. Get a grip or get out.
My predictions for leaving are actually tied between three. Jermaine, Alex and maybe John. Who knows?
See you later today.
Todrick, did a funked up version of Since you've been gone. Although the verses were cool... he should have stayed true to the chorus. Not a big fan of what he did. He does have some talent though.
Aaron, the cutie patootie with an adorable face and persona let the nerves get to him. I can't wait to see what he does in the coming weeks. Hope he gets the votes so we see him more.
Jermaine, the church singer, is given church a bad name. I'm a little disappointed at the attitude. Rather haughty, and he was a screaming mess in his song.
Tim Urban and Apologize should really say he is sorry for that performance. Not good!
Joe, another cutie, but his performance was unforgettable.
Tyler, the 70's darling should leave the 70's behind. His rendition of Pretty woman needs to stay back in the past. I do hope he goes shopping at the mall. Hey, I would take him shopping! He looks familiar. But, I was in high school in the 70's so he looks like a classmate of mine. LOL
Lee and his guitar were really good. I was surprised that Randy and Kara didn't like it. Simon in his successfulness did like it so, I was glad to ride his comments. Lee was good.
John, I really don't think he is that good of a singer. He is cute, so maybe that will get him some votes. Who knows?
Michael singing Maroon 5 was a little weird. I like him, and Maroon 5 is one of my favorite groups, but I guess the performance needed a little more "group" instead of singing as a solo. Ryan was right though, his guitar looks like a ukulele in Michael's big hands.
Alex, a Texas was all over the place with the notes. I don't see how he can keep up. His vocals are just not that good. Maybe it was the song, but I don't know.
Casey James - Heaven, yes it was. Enough said!
Andrew, one of my favorites from earlier, totally blew it with song choice. He just picked a really awful song. Get a grip or get out.
My predictions for leaving are actually tied between three. Jermaine, Alex and maybe John. Who knows?
See you later today.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Top 12 girls on American Idol
The first week of American Idol after Hollywood week is always a little shaky. Seems like every year the song choice is a little skewed. They have a list to choose from with so many songs and yet they always seem to pick either something so obscure no one can identify with, or something so popular they can't do it justice.
Was it just me, or did Ellen look a little nervous? I thought she did a great job. Simon is still brutally honest and for the most part I agreed with him. Let's look at the girls one by one.
Paige got kudos and negativity. Saying she was the best singer was a little over the top as far as I was concerned. Her song was totally unforgettable.
Ashley singing Leona Lewis' Happy was a big mess. She was even off key a lot of the time.
Janell, one of my favorites picked a horrible song, she was off a little vocally and she was so nervous the mic was shaking.
Lilly, another one of my favorites, had a great look. As far as the song, hated the song!
Katelyn was just an unforgettable performance. I just figured she would do so much better.
Haeley, I have to admit is just not one of my favorites. Her song choice was awful and her voice was annoying. I really wanted to fast forward through her song. I hope that based on her performance that she is one of the ones to leave.
Lacey Brown has an amazing voice and I really like her but take about a weird song choice. She does have the most incredible face though, doesn't she?
Michelle performed Falling and I actually thought it was kinda boring. She too is very pretty though isn't she?
Didi picked a song that fit her voice and she was one I really disagreed with Simon. She should stay until next week so we can see that she has more in her repertoire.
Siobhan sang Wicked game the song best know for being played when Ross and Rachel finally got together on Friends. She did a really good job and I really hope she continues. She is a little quirky and I think will make American Idol a little more interesting.
Crystal, though a really good singer, I didn't like her song choice either. She is so talented, I almost felt like she tried to do too much the first week. I really feel like she needs more weeks and she will be one of those who will get better every week. I hope people are smart enough to vote for her.
Katie, another one of my favorites. She sang a Michael Buble arrangement of Feelin' Good. What was she thinking? I really feel like someone gave her some bad song choice advice. I so agree with all of the judges that she needs to embrace being 17. She should sing lots of bubbly young songs. I hope she gets a chance to continue, because if she improves the way Jordin Sparks did.... wow!
One of the hardest parts about singing on American Idol has to be receiving comments right after your performance. To stand there and not break out bawling would just be the hardest thing ever!
My choice for bottom two would be Haeley and perhaps Janelle. We will see.
BTW, I watch AI on dvr. It takes a two hour show down to less than an hour and a half. Commercial free!
Was it just me, or did Ellen look a little nervous? I thought she did a great job. Simon is still brutally honest and for the most part I agreed with him. Let's look at the girls one by one.
Paige got kudos and negativity. Saying she was the best singer was a little over the top as far as I was concerned. Her song was totally unforgettable.
Ashley singing Leona Lewis' Happy was a big mess. She was even off key a lot of the time.
Janell, one of my favorites picked a horrible song, she was off a little vocally and she was so nervous the mic was shaking.
Lilly, another one of my favorites, had a great look. As far as the song, hated the song!
Katelyn was just an unforgettable performance. I just figured she would do so much better.
Haeley, I have to admit is just not one of my favorites. Her song choice was awful and her voice was annoying. I really wanted to fast forward through her song. I hope that based on her performance that she is one of the ones to leave.
Lacey Brown has an amazing voice and I really like her but take about a weird song choice. She does have the most incredible face though, doesn't she?
Michelle performed Falling and I actually thought it was kinda boring. She too is very pretty though isn't she?
Didi picked a song that fit her voice and she was one I really disagreed with Simon. She should stay until next week so we can see that she has more in her repertoire.
Siobhan sang Wicked game the song best know for being played when Ross and Rachel finally got together on Friends. She did a really good job and I really hope she continues. She is a little quirky and I think will make American Idol a little more interesting.
Crystal, though a really good singer, I didn't like her song choice either. She is so talented, I almost felt like she tried to do too much the first week. I really feel like she needs more weeks and she will be one of those who will get better every week. I hope people are smart enough to vote for her.
Katie, another one of my favorites. She sang a Michael Buble arrangement of Feelin' Good. What was she thinking? I really feel like someone gave her some bad song choice advice. I so agree with all of the judges that she needs to embrace being 17. She should sing lots of bubbly young songs. I hope she gets a chance to continue, because if she improves the way Jordin Sparks did.... wow!
One of the hardest parts about singing on American Idol has to be receiving comments right after your performance. To stand there and not break out bawling would just be the hardest thing ever!
My choice for bottom two would be Haeley and perhaps Janelle. We will see.
BTW, I watch AI on dvr. It takes a two hour show down to less than an hour and a half. Commercial free!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Don't be confused
It's still me blogging. :) But, I wanted Kady to do a blog for home school. But, because of her age, it's under mine. Look for the Princess of Random. www.blogspot.kathryn-princessofrandom.com
To be honest, she comes by randomness from me. I think it might be a family trait. My sister and I can switch channels in conversation and then return back to a previous conversation... and keep track. Kady and I can actually do that too! It makes for some non-boring moments, but confusing for my husband.
I plan on making comments about American Idol. So far, I really like Ellen. But, I have to admit, I've always been a fan of hers. I am looking forward to this year, as it has been said there is more talent. Let me know what you think.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Happy Birthday Dad!
If my father were still living, he would be 91 today. It's hard for me to believe that he has been gone for 10 years. There are some moments I feel he isn't even gone. My explanation for that is that since he is in heaven, when I pray or when I'm reading the bible, my proximity to God increases my feelings of closeness to my dad.
My dad wasn't perfect. But, one of the things I know he did, his whole life, was work on being a better dad, husband, person, and most of all Christian.
He would get up every morning at 4am to have time to read and study his bible before going to work. If he worked nights, he would just manipulate his schedule again so he would have time to study. I think Dad only went to college one year, but when it came to the bible, he knew more than anyone I ever met.
He was also big on Christian tracts. I think I have probably read about 100 little booklets that he would get in the mail and then he would pass on.
My dad wrote letters to prisoners in jail. I remember asking him once what did this person do? His response was he didn't know but God would forgive them if they asked God to. He and mom even helped some men at the half-way house to get to church. I sometimes worried that men he wrote might get out of jail and come and do something bad to my parents, but it never happened. I believe God protected them.
One of the things I knew about my dad was that he loved my mother and all 4 of us kids as well as our spouses and our children. Family was important. One time when I was about twelve years old, it was Thanksgiving time. My dad was Air Force reserve and served once a month on weekends. He had driven to Oklahoma City (Tinker AFB) and while there got snowbound. Because the holiday was coming up, as soon as the roads cleared enough for him to get out of the City, he drove as far as possible in the car. He then caught a ride with a trucker who drove him as far as roads were cleared. That put my dad about six miles away from our house in the country. Once he was dropped off, he then crawled, walked and tramped through drifts of snow to get home. He would stop at houses along the way and ask them to call my mom so she would know how far he had made it. Because the snow and drifts were a little disorienting, he actually walked a couple miles past where he should have turned to go to our house. I remember it taking most of the day for him to get home, and he arrived before dark. Family was important and being home for Thanksgiving was worth it to him.
My dad had a lot of friends. I don't think he really ever met a stranger. He was likely to strike up a conversation with anyone wherever he went.
My dad got fired from teaching Sunday school one time. He was a really good Sunday School teacher and the kids loved him. They also learned a lot. He believed that memorizing scripture was a real important part of being a Christian. When the Sunday School material only provided one little verse per lesson, my dad spent hours finding other verses that went with the lesson. When the preacher found out he was "adding to" the Bible lesson, he asked my dad to teach "only what was provided or not teach". My dad chose not to teach. Our family then joined with other families and began a new church not far from where we lived. We first met at a Lion's Club building, then bought property and built a church building.
In my dad's later years, after he retired, he began to volunteer at the hospital. He was gone so much that my mom decided she would join him as a volunteer. They both volunteered for a long time. They also distributed "The Greatest is Love" Bibles. These were New Testament bibles set up in hospitals and hotel racks that people could donate towards if they wanted, or have for free.
I found notes in one of Dad's bibles after he passed. He studied a lot, but from his notes, he never felt pious about his relationship with God. He wrote time and time again "I want to be a better Christian and I want to be closer to God."
Dad's hope came true. Hope you have a great birthday party in heaven, Dad! I love and miss you!
My dad wasn't perfect. But, one of the things I know he did, his whole life, was work on being a better dad, husband, person, and most of all Christian.
He would get up every morning at 4am to have time to read and study his bible before going to work. If he worked nights, he would just manipulate his schedule again so he would have time to study. I think Dad only went to college one year, but when it came to the bible, he knew more than anyone I ever met.
He was also big on Christian tracts. I think I have probably read about 100 little booklets that he would get in the mail and then he would pass on.
My dad wrote letters to prisoners in jail. I remember asking him once what did this person do? His response was he didn't know but God would forgive them if they asked God to. He and mom even helped some men at the half-way house to get to church. I sometimes worried that men he wrote might get out of jail and come and do something bad to my parents, but it never happened. I believe God protected them.
One of the things I knew about my dad was that he loved my mother and all 4 of us kids as well as our spouses and our children. Family was important. One time when I was about twelve years old, it was Thanksgiving time. My dad was Air Force reserve and served once a month on weekends. He had driven to Oklahoma City (Tinker AFB) and while there got snowbound. Because the holiday was coming up, as soon as the roads cleared enough for him to get out of the City, he drove as far as possible in the car. He then caught a ride with a trucker who drove him as far as roads were cleared. That put my dad about six miles away from our house in the country. Once he was dropped off, he then crawled, walked and tramped through drifts of snow to get home. He would stop at houses along the way and ask them to call my mom so she would know how far he had made it. Because the snow and drifts were a little disorienting, he actually walked a couple miles past where he should have turned to go to our house. I remember it taking most of the day for him to get home, and he arrived before dark. Family was important and being home for Thanksgiving was worth it to him.
My dad had a lot of friends. I don't think he really ever met a stranger. He was likely to strike up a conversation with anyone wherever he went.
My dad got fired from teaching Sunday school one time. He was a really good Sunday School teacher and the kids loved him. They also learned a lot. He believed that memorizing scripture was a real important part of being a Christian. When the Sunday School material only provided one little verse per lesson, my dad spent hours finding other verses that went with the lesson. When the preacher found out he was "adding to" the Bible lesson, he asked my dad to teach "only what was provided or not teach". My dad chose not to teach. Our family then joined with other families and began a new church not far from where we lived. We first met at a Lion's Club building, then bought property and built a church building.
In my dad's later years, after he retired, he began to volunteer at the hospital. He was gone so much that my mom decided she would join him as a volunteer. They both volunteered for a long time. They also distributed "The Greatest is Love" Bibles. These were New Testament bibles set up in hospitals and hotel racks that people could donate towards if they wanted, or have for free.
I found notes in one of Dad's bibles after he passed. He studied a lot, but from his notes, he never felt pious about his relationship with God. He wrote time and time again "I want to be a better Christian and I want to be closer to God."
Dad's hope came true. Hope you have a great birthday party in heaven, Dad! I love and miss you!
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