Friday, February 27, 2009

American Idol...the next 3

Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and Allison Iraheta made it through this week. If you saw my facebook page you know that my vcr didn't quite record Wednesday nights show. I had several people tell me I didn't miss anything. OK, I trust y'all. The good news is with the format that AI is doing, I at least get to hear the "winners" sing the song that put them through.
So, Adam is really hot looking and I usually like his voice but the song he chose "not so much!" Part of the time I felt like he was yelling the song instead of singing it. I know that Rock goes like that sometimes, but it's like fingers on a chalkboard as far as the yelling goes.
Kris is a cutie and I really like the song he sang. "Man in the mirror" Although he is as different from Michael Jackson as it comes, he really did a decent job with the song.
Allison I remember from the Hollywood week. She is really young (and looks it) but her voice is kinda low and mellow. Very soothing. I could see her performing Nora Jones type songs. Or, maybe she will sing something from Sara Maclaughlan.
I thought Brooke White did a great job. She was one of my favorite girls during her season. She is a really good musician and her song was pretty catchy. Did it sound like something you have heard before too?
I don't think Norman Gentle, Nick is a good singer, but I thought if they did put him through it would definitely be entertaining. Can you just see Simon's skin crawl thinking about him going through. That was hilarious.
So next week will be the "Wildcard Week" That is a little different, but I'm looking forward to who they choose. Asnoop has to be one of them. It's kind of weird it being in the middle as there are 2 more groups to go right? So, are they going to have another Wildcard week in 3 more weeks. Let's wait and see.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

American Idol commentary

I love American Idol. I have been a follower since the first year. I loved Kelly Clarkson, still do. The three that made it this week to the top twelve was fairly predictable. Danny Gorkey is my very favorite. But the Oil Rigger guy, Michael Sarver is pretty likable too. Alexis Grace is good, but no Kelly Clarkson, unlike the comparison. The girls as a whole, so far are pretty disappointing. There isn't a Jennifer Hudson or Fantasia in the group. Now they were good. No, they were awesome.
I think that its possible Anoop will be brought back as a wild card. That's my prediction. There was only 20k votes between him and Michael.
So, what was with the music choices. Simon is always right. (well, almost) I don't always approve of the way he says it, but man, some of those music arrangements this week were horrible.
Those that didn't make it that I liked were: Ricky Braddy and Steven Fowler. They both chose really awful songs. UGH
Coming up too are two people a little corny and don't know if they can really sing are Nathaniel Marshall and Nick Mitchell. Don't really get either one of them. Nick is the one who acts as Norman Gentle. OK, maybe they will be entertaining, but it is debateable whether I would buy their music.
Coming up I like, Adam Lambert, Lil Rounds, Matt Breitzke and Scott MacIntyre. Kady thinks that Adam is like putting the two Davids (Cook & Archuletta) together. Scott is a cutie patootie.
Didn't you just hate Titiana Del Toro, the drama queen? Yeah, she can sing, but I'm not sure the music business needs another drama queen. Her reaction from loosing to Danny Gorkey was just pathetic. It did not make me feel sorry for her. I'm glad for the less drama, better singers. Comments anyone?

Mimi the dog

This morning, I needed to give Mimi an antihistamine. She was itching and scratching (no fleas) from dry skin. Then she started sneezing and coughing. The first try was inserting the half pill in these little things called "Pill pockets". They are made for easier pill giving to your pet. They smell like something a dog would eat. So, I inserted the pill and gave it to Mimi to eat. She turned up her nose at the treat. So, I put the pill into some peanut butter (her favorite people food) She ate all the peanut butter and spit the pill out. So, (stupid me) I decided to try that again. This time I made sure the pill was completely covered up by peanut butter. Again, she ate all the peanut butter and spit the pill out. So, I really am smarter than a dog, so.... I crushed the pill up and mixed it into the peanut butter. She at the whole thing. Not to self: Use the last way as the first way next time. Time wasted giving pill to dog, 30 minutes.
This is the same dog who refuses to let us take her picture. We get the camera out and she runs under the bed. We can even just show her the cell phone and she will take off running away. (She knows cell phones take pictures, too) So, sorry, I can't post a picture of her.
This is also the dog that when someone said she was chubby, she growled at them.
She won't let us cut her toenails. She has to be taken to the doggy salon, and they love her there. She doesn't give them a bit of trouble. She does let me trim her hair. (She is a long-hair chihuahua) She likes her baths and likes to smell pretty. She then goes outside, finds the stinkiest part of the yard and rolls around in it. Perhaps we need Valium. No, not for Mimi, for me taking care of this neurotic dog.

Friday, February 06, 2009

I Joined Facebook

OK, I know. Isn't that a high school thing? Well, I thought about it and so what? I don't know that I care if anyone thinks it's a teen thing. One advantage is it might embarass the kids. Always a good thing. Husband doesn't care, so who is to say No, no no? So far, just checking in on a couple friends sites is fun. I'm always looking for new music. That is an option on the site too.
Last night we were telling embarrassing stories. Made me glad to be me. Embarrassing stuff happens right? Then later, you can tell all about it. But when it happens.... ugh! Don't you hate that feeling? Dread, stomach in throat, sweaty palms. I'm just glad that not all my embarrassing moments are on tape. Do I have any on tape? Anyway, I digress. How long does it take for that horrible feeling to become a humorous story? I'd like to know.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Another blog to visit

If you get a chance check out You will be blessed and you will also have someone else to pray for.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Cute babies!


Do you have friends that are always there? I think when I was little I thought my best friend would be my husband. But, like a lot of women, I had pre-conceived ideas a little skewed. Don't get me wrong, I'm friends with my husband, but to be a best friend; I think a little more not opposite would need to be in place. I don't think that's sad. Perhaps if you were a little girl still in Cinderella land maybe. But, if you want the truth, not everyone marries their best friend. If you're blessed, you are friends.
Some of us had a friend afraid to marry because she was so different from her spouse to be. She said "he doesn't like shopping, reading, chick-flicks" and we told her "That's why you have girlfriends!"
Sorry, but I even get a little skeptical when I hear someone say they are married to their best friend. I think you can have a very fulfilling, loving marriage and not necessarily have him be your best friend. A really good combination would be another couple you and your husband can both be friends with. Now, that's a hard fit. You actually have to have both directions of friendship. Plus, it needs to work. The dynamics are a little tricky, but it's great when it does come together.
As your children get older, they can become your friends. "Home-grown" friends. That is pretty cool.
I think Jesus struggled with friends and friendship. Don't you think? Everyone would want to "say" they are his friend, but he made sure that we knew what cost it would be to actually "be" his friend. Check out John 15:13. NOW, who is your best friend?